Im just tryna know you better

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Hey ya'll ! I'm Tamara aka Mara , Mariah's bestfriend and Keyon's girlfriend . Me and Mariah have been friends since we were 7 . We met on our street . We lived 3 houses down from each other and we been friends ever since . We fought together , we was always there for each , everything . Especially when what happened with her mom and dad . Mariah hasn't been the same since . She hates to talk about it . Other than me , Daniel was the only person who knew what happened . But anyways . Keyon and I have been dating for about 8 months and Mariah and Jay have been dating for about 4. Everything was good . I was happy . My bestie was happy . Everything was everything . Life was just good .

Mariah and I sat down at the tattoo shop . We wanted to get matching tattoos and an additional one of our own. Mariah already had 4 tattoos . I only had one and I cried like a baby when I got mine .

Mariah was already getting her part of our matching tattoo , but I wanted Keyon to be there with me when I got mine for support . About 10 minutes later , Keyon , Jay , and Keyon's younger brother Dallas walked in .

" Damn . She taking that shit like a pro . " Keyon said looking at Mariah .

" that's how she was for all four of her other ones ." I said laughing .

" Oh word ? Where the other ones at?" Jay asked ?

" One on each side of her ribs and 3 on her back . She loves pain I guess . But not me shit. " I said being honest .

" Damn . I ain't even know that . What they say?"

" Rip mommy and daddy on her ribs , Rip Maceson , Pain demands to be felt , and fear none love none on her back . " I answered .

I don't think Jay knew her parents died . I don't think he knew who Maceson was either .

" Who Maceson ? I knew her parents died . I didn't ask why because she got a little chocked up telling me that they past." Jay said .

" you have to ask her that Jay ," I said .

I'm not one to tell my bestfriend's business . That's just how we rock . I feel like I said too much talking about her tattoos as is. We walked over to Mariah who was on her phone . She looked over at us and then back down at her phone .

" Hey ya'll ," she said smiling .

This bitch is crazy . She bleeding and shit and she smiling . Her and Jay belong together . Two crazy ass people .

" Hey Bae," Jay said kissing her .

I sat down beside her and the lady started my tattoo . I grabbed Keyon's hand for support .

I was now sitting in the chair for my second tattoo . It was gonna say " Mind over matter . I don't mind and you don't matter " . I was about to cry but then I heard Mariah cheering me on ..

" You got this best ! Take this shit like a champ . You almost done baby . You got this shit !" She cheered

I love her . She is just that crazy good ass sister that I never had .

About an hour later I was finished . My shit looked nice as hell . But it also hurt like hell .

I saw Jay talking to Mariah . The conversation looked serious . So I walked a little closer to listen better . My nosey ass .

" So who is Maceson , Mariah ? " Jay asked . " You keeping secrets now ?"


" So who is Maceson , Mariah ? " Jay asked . " You keeping secrets now ?"

I paused a little off guard . Shit . Mara must have mentioned my tattoo . I know she didn't tell him anything . He probably thinking its some nigga .

" Look Bae . I don't think here is the place to discuss this . Let's go back to your place or mine ." I said rubbing his chest .

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