Imma hold you down and treat you like im supposed to

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I woke up to all kinds of machines and plugs attached to me . I tried to get up and move but a sharp pain came from my chest .

" Ahhhh shit !" I yelled out .

A Nigga felt like crying . That shit hurt so bad . A nurse came running through the door . A few tears left my eyes.

" Mr. brown ? How are you feeling ? " the nurse asked . She was ugly as hell but she seemed nice .

" I'm in a lot of pain but I'll be Aigh . From the looks I got shot . How long I been out?" I asked her looking down at my chest .

" About 8 hours . The detective has been here all night and he wants to speak to you," the ugly nurse said .

Some tall black guy walked in with a short white lady with blonde hair .

" Mr. Brown ? Aka Killa? Am I right ? Seems like somebody almost kilt ya ass , huh ?" The black detective said laughing . " Mind telling us what happened , sir ?

" Man fuck you !" I spat . " I ain't talking to nobody until my baby in here . Where she at yo?" I said referring to Mariah .

" You need to answer these fucking questions . Fuck Mariah and all that shit . You wasting our fucking time ! We been here all night waiting for you to wake up. We got other shìt to do too." She said sternly .

"bitch you bugging . You ever come out your face like that again ya'll gonn really lock me up for good because Imma put ya ass in the ground bitch!" I spat to the lady cop .

Fucking pigs. I swear I hate cops . She just mugged me and I mugged that bitch back . She was definitely bugging . The door open and Mariah walked in . She looked like she was going through it . She walked over to the side of the bed and grabbed my hand and looked me in my eyes . A tear fell from her eyes . My heart sunk to the floor .

" Everyone keeps telling me to be strong for you but who is being strong for me ? I had a breakdown when your momma called and told me you got shot . I was driving and I just froze and when I got here I just broke . The thought of losing you just blew mine . I didn't know what I was gonna do . I wanted to go find the Nigga who shot you but -" she stopped when she realized the detectives was in the room . " but I realized that you're safe and that's what really mattered . " she covered up .

Babygirl was smooth . I missed her so much .

" C'mere and gimme a kiss ." I said hugging her with the good side of my body .

" Mr. brown . We need you to cooperate with us . We can't keep asking you . Time is ticking and we need to know what happened and if you know who did this to you ." The black guy said .

" Look man . I'm good . I don't need any investigation because shit is just gonna get bad . I'm alive and I'm safe that's all that matters ." I said truthfully .

The lady detective sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes . Mariah looked at her like she was crazy and then she looked back at me with an expression like " what the fuck is her problem " . I just laughed .

" Look . You need to stop playing games and answer the fucking questions for another bullet goes somewhere and then you don't wake up after surgery ." She said .

Mariah let go of my hand .

" Yo . Why you pressing him like that ? Huh ? He just woke up from a three hour surgery and he got shot in the fucking chest . Watch what the fuck you say to my man bitch . I don't give a fuck who you are . You can take off that badge and shit could get real , real quick and I promise you , you won't win that one . He said he good and he don't know shit so he good and don't know shit and that's fucking that . " Mariah said looking the lady up and down .

I just sat there and laid back smiling at the lady . She looked a little scared and she was the one with the gun . Fucking bitch .

" Look . Sorry for my partner . She is having a bad day ." He said looking at her .

" So what that don't give the bitch the right to be down right rude and nasty. The fuck is wrong with you?" She said pissed off looking at the lady detective .

" if there's anything you wanna say or ask just give us a call please . Hope you have a quick recovery . " the black detective said .

" We will . Thank you very much detective " Mariah said .

After the detectives left mom , key , Tamara , and some other people came in to see me . This wasn't nothing new to mom because she went through it for over 20 years with my father , but she still always told me to be careful .

" Don't get shot again nigga ! You almost had my bestfriend kill both of us ! Stopping in the middle of the fucking highway and shit . " Tamara said to me .

I laughed because I knew how serious she was from her facial expression

" Calm down Mara ." Key said rubbing her back and her big stomach .

" Shut the up Keyon . Because you put this baby in me ! Ain't that right baby ? " She said rubbing her stomach and hitting Keyon .

Keyon just shook his head . They funny as hell .

" How you feeling my nigga ?" Keyon asked sitting next to my hospital bed .

" I'm good bro . You know the shit . Same ole same ole " I said .

" Nah . You gotta take it easy for a while until you get better . You almost didn't make it . The bullet missed your heart . You was out for some time . I just didn't want them doctor niggas to tell you because I knew you'd wild on them . " he said putting his head in his lap.

Damn .

" Wow . I didn't know that . I got you bro . I can't promise or give my word because you know I'm always on the move , but I'll try to take it easy ." I said honestly .

" Oh . His ass will take it easy . I'll make sure of that . Ain't that right baby?" Mariah said kissing me .

I looked at her and sucked my teeth . Not because of what she said because I knew she was horny for the way she kissed me . Nobody else caught on but she knew what the hell she just did . About to have a Nigga hard as hell in this hospital bed . Fucked up chest in shoulder or not , my dick still pump . If babygirl really want it , she can really get it . I miss her pussy anyway . That calms a Nigga down too . She got that magic , never wanna leave you pussy . I looked around the room and just started thinking .. What if I would have died ? What would moms and Mariah do most importantly ? I knew Key would go through it but he would be alright just for moms and Mariah . That's another reason why I want to have a kid with Mariah because I wanna have another me on this earth . You never know when your time to go is , especially with the life I'm living. But best believe when I leave I'm going out shooting back at whoever . But I just didn't know how Mariah would feel about another baby since what happen to little Mace . That would have to be a conversation for later , after some good dick or some good licking . I just sat back watching everybody . Mariah came on my good side and got in the bed and laid with me . My Bae a big ass baby but it don't matter . It's anything for my big ass spoiled baby . I would never thought I could love a female like this.. EVER. But momma always said God works in mysterious ways

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