Wifey you aint got to like me

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I got up bright and early so I could go grocery shopping for the house . I swear to God Jayceon eats up everything and when Jayceon's family comes over like close cousins and Keyon and Dallas , it's just worse . Jay hates food shopping so I'm going by myself . I walked in shoprite and I bumped into something hard and I stumbled back , dropping my phone and wallet .

" shit . My phone " I said

I picked it up and it wasn't cracked . I was so happy . I looked up and saw a guy and who I'm guessing are his friends standing there. He reached out his hand and helped me up .

" I'm sorry babygirl . I didn't see you there ." He said in his deep voice .

" It's okay . I wasn't paying attention either," I said walking away .

The guy grabbed my arm .

" Wait . You're really pretty . Can I get your number?" He said licking his lips .

" By all means thank you . But I don't need a man to tell me something that I already know . I have that already and he treats me like a queen . Thanks though ." I said smiling .

" But he ain't show you the finer things ." He said still trying .

I became annoyed .

" If I asked , my man would buy the world because that's just how much money he has ." I said walking away .

" But excuse me miss-- "

I cut him off .

" I have a man leave me alone damn " I said .

Another guy walked up just when I said that and looked at me .

" Yo chill . That's Killa girl . She pretty and tempting but chill man before he kill us all. We don't need unnecessary beef. " the dark skin boy said to this annoying ass nigga .

" Oh shit . My fault " he said putting his hands up . " I don't want know problems with Killa . Don't even mention this to him . You have a nice day miss"

And with that I walked away . Niggas is really punks . Nah I'm lying . My baby just that nigga . I just laughed to myself . I walked through the aisles picking up things that I needed for the house and two girls kept staring at me and whispering.

" Is there a problem ? " I said walking up to them .

" You're Killa's girlfriend , right? " One of the girls said .

" Yeah I am . Why? Who wanna know?" I asked .

" I do " the other girl said .

" Well then YOU should have asked . Not your friend . That's real cute " I said rolling my eyes . " why you wanna know ?"

" Because I used to fuck your man everyday " she smiled and shifted her weight to one side, placing her hand on her hip.

I laughed . She thought that shit was gonna get me mad .

" That's great . I fuck him everyday too now . A least twice a day , Sometimes even more depending on how IM feeling , With some good head that put him to sleep . No pussy included sometimes . I'm wifey . You what I call a wanna be . You was just some kiddy pussy but I put him on to this grown pussy now his ass is faithful to one pussy . " I said as I smiled . " Now you ladies have a wonderful day .

I walked away .

" Oh wait . I didn't get your name ." I said

" Chastity "

" I'll tell him you said hello ." I said smiling & walking away.

I walked away and continued my shopping . The cashier rang my stuff up and I bagged my car and drove home to my man . I missed him . I texted him and told him to come outside in 10 minutes .

When I pulled up to the house , he was outside in sweats and no shirt . He looked like he had just woke up . He opened my door and gave me a kiss . I walked in the house to be met by Jayceon's guard dog Bruce . He was big as hell but so sweet to people Jay told him to be to . He was most definitely well trained . He came up to me and sat down . That mean he wants me to pet him . I was playing with him until I heard the door shut . I walked into the kitchen and Bruce followed me . Jay was putting up the groceries .

" Nobody didn't bother you while you were shopping , right ? "

" Nope . Just some guy tried to talk to me and then his friend told him I was your girl and it scared him off so bad . " I told him as I jumped up on the counter .

" Pussy ass nigga . He smart though . I would have came to shoprite and lit that bitch up . " he said laughing . But he was dead serious and that's the funny part .

" Oh yeah and I met Chasity . She told me to tell you hello . We had a little chat . She told me how you guys are fuck buddies " I said smiling at him .

" Were fuck buddies . That all stopped 8 months ago ." He said .
He stopped putting the groceries up.

"I'm not cheating out you Mariah ."

" I know . She told me how you two were fuck buddies and I told her how we're fuck buddies too and how you LOVE this pussy and that I'm wifey . " I said , still smiling .

He just looked at me .

" Stop smiling . You really look crazy as hell ." He said .

" Yeah I love you too ," I said smacking his butt .

" Cut that gay shit out bruh . You always doing that ." He said getting mad .

" oh shut up . " I said laughing .

I smacked his butt again and ran up the steps and tripped and fell . Jayceon stopped and started dying . He didn't even ask me if I was okay . Shit I was cracking up too . We too goofy Motherfucka's . I swear we bring out the best in each other .

" Did you shower yet ? " I asked .

" Not yet . I was about to before you pulled up " he said catching his breath from laughing so hard.

" You tryna go some rounds in the shower ?" I asked .

" Oh you ain't saying nothing . Let's get it . " he said smacking my butt up the stairs .

I ran upstairs and he chased after me .

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