Shocking news

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I laid down on the cold floor naked . It was so dark and I couldn't see . I knew I hadn't been here for that long and I knew that any minute Jayceon would be here to rescue me . I told Jay it was Ace but it wasn't . It was his guys that traded him and one of Jayceon's guys , Roc . I never liked roc because he always looked at me funny when jay wasn't around . I still told him the right location . Being with Jay before has taught me a lot w / shit like this . You don't show no weakness when you in shit like this and play smart and I did just that . I knew none of the guys spoke Spanish , I could just tell .

I searched the ground to see if I could find anything useful and I felt a hand . I grabbed it and it snatched back . I swallowed very hard to not sound afraid.

" Who are you?"

" Mmm- my name is Tamara . I've been here for almost 4 years . I did some terrible things to my Bestfriend . She thinks I'm dead . But her boyfriend shot me and Roc saved me when Killa sent him to clean up . I thought everything was fine but roc kept me here because I wanted to go back to my baby girl , my love Keyon , and my Bestfriend . I wanted my family back . I was so money hungry . I-- I did everything Roc asked for fucking money to end up here . I know my Bestfriend still believed in me after I helped try to kill her w / her ex boyfriend . She knew it wasn't me . It was them who made me . They would have killed me. Oh gosh . I wish Mariah could just here me." She cried

" well it's me . Mara it's me . Mara Jay is on the way . He's coming with Keyon . You can explain everything to them ."

I crawled over to her and hugged her . I had blood all over my hands from her body . That just made me hug her tighter . I started explaining to her about How a lot has changed . That's all I said . I think Keyon should tell her about him and P . Not me . I told her about how big Nia got and how beautiful she was and how smart she was and I told her about my little Liyana .

" How's Kennel and Mia ?"

" they're good . She's pregnant . Little GiGi was so happy." I said lowly because of the fact that she was once pregnant by Kennel .

" Oh wow . I'm happy for them ."

I couldn't see her face in the dark but I know that's not what it was saying.

We then started talking and I was catching her up about the four years she's missed .

" Wow . I've missed so much . I just wanna see my baby Nia and tell Keyon how sorry I am . I hope he'll take me back . It's been almost 4 years . I doubt he will . Did he move on?"

I didn't wanna lie to her but it just wasn't my place . But I couldn't lie .

" Yes." I whispered .

" Well who is she ? Is she nice? Stuck up right? Does she treat Nia nice?"

" Look Mara . He's been with Princess for over a year now . Nia calls her mommy . She actually love me P and P loves her . Keyon is so happy . When everything happened w / you that shit hit him rock bottom . You're my Bestfriend and that's my cousin , damn there my sister and I know she never liked you, but we gonna figure this out . I'm gonna be there for you . I know Jay is not gonna wanna hear shit . I don't know if Key will talk to you , but just pray on it baby . You got this .

Just then we heard gun shots everywhere . Then someone kicked the door open . I saw Jay and Kennel . I ran to them . Jay covered me in a blanket and gave me closes to change into .

" Jay baby . I'm so sorry . Jay . I wanna be with you and I lied Jayceon . I knew what I was doing when I had sex with you . I just want my old life but Jay . How can I trust that it'll just be me and no other ?" I said looking him in his eyes .

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