We gonn be alright

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Wassup ya'll . I'm Lance . I ain't get to properly introduce myself . I grew up w / Key , Jay , and Kennel . Me and Kennel grew up as bestfriends but also was boys with Keyon and Jay. Mariah and Tamara are like my little sisters . I knew them since I was little too . I'm happily engaged to Monique who is also the mother of my two sons Jamal and Jaleel . Monique held me down while I did a bid in jail . She got pregnant with Jamal right before I got locked up so I missed her pregnancy and 4 years out of both of my kids life . Jaleel was just one when I went in but now I just make sure I'm there for my boys because I don't want them to wind up like me . A lot of shit has been going down . Tamara and Keyon back together . Nia just so happy to have her parents under the same roof . Pooch had her baby or should I say babies ? She had twins. One boy ( Jayce ) & girl ( Janelle ) . They 4 months now . Lili seem to be happy about her new brother and sister . I don't know what's been going on with Jay and Pooch but I noticed they distant . I came over the other day to pick up the boys and they weren't even sleeping in the same room . I just hope they good man . They really love each other .


I swear the kids been driving me crazy man . Brandy been tripping because these girls keep calling her phone . I cheated on her a few months back and she took me back but now she just don't trust me . This shit so stressful . The twins acting out so bad every since I moved out . The kids always want to be with me but in always working . I got out the game when all the other niggas did too so now I woke at one of Killa stores . It's hard as fuck yo . They act up with Brandy and her momma so most of the time Brandy just drops them off at Pooch and Killa house . Pooch got her shops doing good and she work on her designs at home and plus she just had the twins 4 months ago so she just been staying at home being a mom and a worker . She love the kids but I know she need a break sometimes . Between Liyana , the twins , Monique getting real close with Pooch and Tamara so Jamal , Jaleel , Nia , and then my twins .. I know she be exhausted . It seem like her and Killa having they own issues but they try to be discreet about it . I hope they good . I got to them niggas about my relationship issues . Shit my life issues . They just always there for a nigga , especially Pooch . Without Killa she would still be a sister to me . Well if I ain't know Killa I would def try to holla but that's my brother girl and I respect it . She's just great . I'm glad he with her . I just don't know what to do with Brandy though . It's like she still want to be young and not grown , but she wanted to be grown when she laid down with me and made the twins . I just don't fucking get it man . She rather somebody else basically raise her kids than her doing it her damn self . I only see them after 8 and on the weekends . I wish I could see them more but somebody got bring in some type of income , legally . I make sure as soon as I get off of work I go straight to Killa house to pick them up . I cook for them or sometimes we go out to eat and on the weekends I make sure we got something to do . Whether it's going to an arcade , movies , dinner , park , teaching them something , watching a movie at home , anything just to bond with my kids . I never want my kids to not know they dad . My dad died when I was younger and that shit killed me , him not being there . So Imma be the best father . The kids need they momma too . I don't even want to be with her because of the mother she is . I think that's why I went and cheated on her to be real . I don't even love her the same anymore . I just love her as the mother of my children . I feel like I grew the fuck up and changed my ways , so why can't she woman up , put her big girl panties on and be a fucking mother . How you gonna have kids and not want to take care of them? She was so drunk and high off of weed that one day she was cooking the kids dinner after school and she fell asleep and the house caught on fire and she ran out the house , leaving my fucking kids in there . When I got there I lost it when the police told me wtf happened . I went to jail that night because I beat the shit out of Brandy ass . They dropped the charges because she didn't want to file any . That bitch knew she was wrong . I didnt want to beat the shit out of my baby mother , because I don't hit women , but I will fuck a bitch or a hoe up , not a woman , but if it's for my kids I will do anything to anybody if it means them being okay . I'm about to head out to Killa house with the kids . They having a cookout so you know I'm going for the food.


I held Jayce and fed him while I watch Mariah walk back in the room . Shit just been crazy man . All we do is fight now . I don't be trying to argue with her but she just so fucking aggravating . She nag and complain about everything . She say I never wanna go out but I be tired from work . She get mad because I be tired . Like she should be fucking happy I quit the game and doing some legal shit now right ? I mean I did do that shit for her and Liyana . Everything I do is for her and my kids . She even tried to accuse me of cheating the other day . I have not even looked at a girl in that time of way since I cheated last time . I want to be with Pooch forever and I'm not letting some bitch come and ruin my happily ever after . I got two daughters and I don't want them to think that's what a man does when he loves a woman . I want them to know that they're diamonds and every man can't afford a diamond . I want my son to know how to treat his lady and how he should treat her like a queen that she is and love her unconditionally . Mariah has just been making it hard and I don't understand . Is it because she's stressing over the baby? Or is just her not wanting me anymore ? Man idk but this shit got me stressed tf out . She don't even be wanting to sleep in the same room with me , let alone bed .  I watched her as she cleansed her face .

" Do you even want to be with me anymore, Mariah?" I mumbled , putting Jayce on the bed .

" What are you talking about Jayceon? Of course I want to be with you I love you ." She says in a duh tone

" Then why we been like this for the past month ? I don't feel loved. I don't feel like you want to be with me. So if that's what it his just keep it real with me my Nigga ." I said staring at her through the mirror . She sighed , throwing the wipe in the trash .

" Jayceon . I love you . You're the only man I'll ever want to be with ." She said touching my face .

" Then what did I do that was so bad that you're hurt?" I asked . I obviously shocked her by my question because the look on her face .

" Who said I was hurt?"

" Pooch . I know you . Come on . What did I do ? Tell me please ?" I said grabbing her waist .

" Every since I had the twins , Jayceon you've been distant . I don't feel that spark and love anymore . If you cheating again just go . I don't have time for another heartbreak . I'm trying to be the best mother to my three kids . Fuck a relationship if it's gonna keep me from being a mother . When you cheated on me , that shit tore me apart and I don't have time to be torn apart when I'm raising a 5 year old and two four month year olds . I can't do it ." She said pulling away from me .

" I swear I'm not cheating . I just -" she cuts me off .

" You just fucking what Jayceon ? You just made 3 kids and don't know if this what you want?" She shouted.

" Look girl . Stop yelling . Ain't nobody cheating on you and you and my kids are what I want . I just feel like we need to reconnect . After the babies it's like we fell out . You know?"

Her face softened .

"What do you mean?" She asked

" Like do what we used to . Go out . Just because we have kids doesn't mean we can't have fun with each other . We've been together over 5 years . We have to make sure we good too so we can have a happy family . I love you Pooch and I will never cheat again . You don't have to worry about that . Just me , you , and the kids . Promise " I said holding out my pinky .

She stood and looked at me , shifting all her weight to her hip . She sucked her teeth and locked pinkies with me . I kissed her forehead and she smiled . Man I'll be anything for that smile .

" So we good?" I asked

" Yeah . We straight nigga ." She said

I just looked at her and shook my head . My little baby thugged out .

I know God might not hear me because of the shit I've done to people . But I hope he watches over my family . I pray every night for them and me and Pooch . Them my hearts and my whole wide world man . I don't know what I would do if something happened to them

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