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Josiah has been blowing my phone up . I've been ignoring everybody for the past week . I dropped Liyana off at Momma's house . Jay has been calling me . I texted him and told him I was okay but then he asked where I was and I just didn't answer . P's been texting me and calling me non stop . I'm just so confused right now I don't know what to do . I mean me and Jaceon have been through so much . He cheated on me but I still love the hell outta him . Ace cheated on me and now I can't even face him . My heart is with Jay but how do I know if he gets bored again he won't cheat or if he'll click with another female . I just don't know . I sat there thinking in my car as I cried . It was pouring raining . I looked up and saw a car parked next to me . The Windows were tented and my vision was blurred from me crying . 3 men with black masks hopped up . I turned my car on and sped away . They hopped back in the car following me . I was panicking . I dailed Jay .

He picked up on the first ring

" Ri , where are you? I'll come get you " he said into the phone in his deep sexy voice

" Jay baby . There was three of them and they hopped out and I drove off and and now they're following me . Jay it's pouring I'm scared . Jay I'm fucking scared ." I cried into the phone .

I could hear him sit up .

" baby you have to relax . Where you at ?"

" I'm about to get on i90 highway towards your house . Jay there shooting at the car . Jay!!!!"

The car started to swerve , getting me off of the road . Everything went black .


The phone went silent . I called Kennel and told him wassup and called Key and the guys and told them to load up . I got in the car and headed to I90 . I was doing 120 . I can't lose my baby . If I find out that nigga Ace did this I'll kill him and his family .

My phone started ringing . It was Mariah.

" Baby . Baby ? Are you okay . Talk to me lil mama . Please . Are you hurt ?"

"You want your bitch . Come get her from me . You're dead . I know where your momma and your daughter at right now . I'll have some fun with her ." A guy said into the phone .

Nobody knew where my momma stayed . Nobody ! She didn't even stay in Atlanta . She live about 2 hours away . It gotta be somebody snitching for sure or them niggas bluffing . I'm gonna find out after I go get my baby . I can't lose her again .

" You touch her . I'll kill anybody associated with you . You got kids ? I'll cut there heads off and send it to you . I'm telling you now mother fucka . You don't want no smoke w / Killa bitch . "

I heard a slap .

" Ahh ! Jay help me . There's three zanes & as los envió. no me llevas a la casa pasador a la derecha orilla donde se realiza su trabajo sucio. ir allí . Estoy contando con que Te amo Jay "

The phone went dead .

Good thing I learned Spanish and taught Mariah code words . Zanes is people in my set . That's what we use when we don't want Nigga in our convo . She said it fast . But my baby was smart . She knew what she was doing . I'm not as advanced as her so I thought about it and it came through . She said " ace sent them . there're taking me to the pin house by the shore right where you did your dirty work . get there . I'm counting on you I love you Jay "

I loaded my glocks and told everybody where to meet me . It's about to be a bloody war

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