Pay backs a bitch and you know that shit

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I'm plotting on all they asses . Only person who had my damn back was Pooch . So she safe but Killa , silence , Lance , Kirko , Tay , everyone of them . I'm not gonna just let them think this shit is okay and it's not . And Nia ? She is mine ! Im will take her when the time is right . I got my new boo and his goons ready to go . The plan has been set , now I just need to spread the cheese for these fucking rats . I will not sleep until they are all dead and until Silence is back in my arms but he will pay too . I sit outside Nia and Liyana's school everyday and watch them on the playground . I will take them both so Nia will have her bestfriend so my baby girl can be happy with her real parent . That bitch Tamara won't even know what hit her and she'll wish she really died the first time . I hate that bitch so much it ain't even funny . Pay back is a bitch and I will hit all of them where it hurts . If I have to kill Pooch to get to Killa , I will kill her ass . I love her to death but nothing will come in the way of my pay back . It will be a cold blood bath . Trust nobody but your own . I won't stop until they all 6 feet under where tf they belong . I know better then to come in they territory so I decided to catch them lacking . I have so many ways to do this . I've been plotting for 6 months and I set all the traps with the cheese . I want everyone to hurt like I did and I will laugh just like those bastards did . I deserve happiness . I am a fucking person and them mf's treats some like nothing . So Imma let the know what it's like to feel like nothing . As for Mia ? Oh yeah . She will get it . I will kill her baby and her . Her little precious one year old that her and Kennel have , Jason , and the Gigi . I will kill them and them where it hurts . I will teach that bitch to mind her business . She will fucking learn to stay in her place and not get involved in family shit . I didn't like her when I dated her brother and I damn sure don't like the bitch now .

I was sitting outside Nia and Liyana's school . They were playing together with two little girls and a little boy . They ran around and laughed , having so much fun . Look at my daughter and niece . They are so beautiful .

" Yo . When the fuck we gonna get outta here ?" He asked

" I'm just watching my daughter and niece . Why you even still working at that stupid ass sneaker store?" I snapped

" Yeah boss . We got to get to the store or they gonn know something up ," the other guy said

" That's not your fucking daughter you crazy bitch and that's not your niece ." He said

I pulled out my gun and shot him right in between the eyes .

" You talk to fucking much ." I said sipping my coffee . " Drive " I smoke

The other guy drove off into the alley .

" Imma Gonna go to work and see what they talking about and then I'll meet up at your house later to tell you what is what ." The guy said .

" You do that ," I said kissing his lips , shocking him .

" Bring that hot dick home for me too ," I said grabbing his stuff , getting in the drivers seat of the van . I watched him walk out of the alley and cross the street to Killa's sneaker store . It was early in the morning and the line was out the door . The store gonna be shut down in a few because they won't have any owner or workers . I pulled off and went back to see my daughter and niece . Only a little bit more time and they will be with me like they're supposed to . I saw Tamara and Keyon and Mariah and Killa running to the school . I looked over at the playground and Liyana and Nia both were on the ground bleeding . They fell from the monkey bars . I hopped out the van and ran over too . Not my babies .

I got to the gate and ran over to the little girls side .

" Wtf are you doing here?" Tamara yelled in my face .

" What the fuck?" Silence said pushing me .

" You really some crazy bitch!" Killa said

" Who are you?" Pooch said .

I backed away looking around . I ran back to my van and dumped out my purse . I opened the pill bottom and took 3 . I laid my head back and drifted off to sleep .

Make sure you guys read my book . " all is fair in love and basketball " It's great so far . Thank you guys . Love ya ❤️


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