He loves me

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It's been hell for me lately . I found out I was pregnant again a few days ago and unlike when I was pregnant with Liyana , I actually feel joy . Don't get me wrong , Liyana is a blessing but with everything I've been through I just wasn't happy when I first found out . I hadn't even told anybody . When I tell Jayceon he's gonna be happy and upset . Happy because he wants a whole damn football team and upset because all the stress I've been under from Princess and Tamara's shit . Nobody seems to like Princess anymore except for me . It's so uncomfortable when she's around . Keyon and I are the only ones who even speak to her . Tamara keeps the peace for the sake of myself but Princess just doesn't give a fuck and it's annoying as fuck . She's so rude . I've been doing my thing lately because when I'm stressed I work . My fashion designs have been so successful and I have a show coming up in Dallas .

The fellas was downstairs because I could hear how loud they were . I got out of bed and went to Liyana's room to see her and Nia playing on the bed and the other guys kids playing on the floor . Liyana was very picky about who she let get on her bed . She gets that from her father . Jay will make somebody sit on the floor before he lets them sit on our bed shit he don't even like people coming in our room . It felt good getting out of the room . I've been in there for the past few days just working on my designs . Liyana finally looked up from her dolls and smiled . She jumped off the bed and ran to me .

" Hi mommy . You feeling better ? Daddy said you were sick ." She said with a sad face .

I just smiled . I love my baby and I know Mace would be so happy to have a little sister .

" Yes baby . I'm better," I said picking her up and kissing her cheek ."

" Hey Aunty ." Nia said

" hey baby ," I said shutting the door back .

I walked downstairs to see the guys in the kitchen . It was so many of the guys from the trap . They were all like family . Well now some worked in Jay's sneaker store and some still worked at the trap where Jay no longer worked . I saw Tamara sitting in the living room with mom and Princess and Samantha , her friend sitting in the backyard . Jay told me that Princess always brings her little friends over when she knows Tamara is gonna be around . I don't like that . I walked into the kitchen and hugged Jay .

" Hey baby . You okay?" He said reaching down to kiss my lips .

" Yeah . I'm fine ." I said wrapping my arms around his torso .

" Goals" some of the guys said .

" Yeah you wish you had a superwoman like this nigga," he said to the guys .

" I'm gonna let you guys be guys . I'm going to the bathroom," I said waving goodbye .

I've been tryna hide my morning sickness from Jayceon because I don't want him to start being all overprotective . I know how he gets when it comes to me . It's good but sometimes it's so smothering . I've been peeing non stop . It's just crazy . I'm doing a good job with hiding it .

After I peed I washed my hands and dried them . I turned around and jumped . Jayceon was just standing there .

" Wtf Jay you scared me. I almost peed on myself ." I said punching him .

" you sure that's why you almost peed yourself ? What you think I'm dumb Ri? You've barely had an appetite or been drinking anything and peeing non stop? Your feet are swollen , your stomach is starting to harden , and I hear you in the morning . I was just waiting for you to tell me . I know you know. All that shit with Princess is dead . She wanna keep stressing you out she will not be allowed in my house . I don't give a damn if that's your family . That bitch is drama and trouble . Too damn grown to be acting the way she does . She obviously doesn't give a damn bout' how my girl feels so I don't give a FUCK about her ." Jay said as he closed the bathroom door . He sat on the toilet seat .

" See that's why I didn't tell you because you get all demanding on me!" I said

" No . I'm just not about to let anybody stress you out , with or without my child inside of you . That's that . I will tell her to leave now . She bringing these bitches I don't know in my house tryna intimidate Tamara . Anybody touch her I'm knocking Princess out Bae . Idc foreal . I don't even care if it wasn't princess who did it , I'm just tired of her . If she wants to be mad at anybody she need to be mad at Keyon." He confessed

I looked at him in shock.

" Bae you better not run your mouth . Not even to Tamara ! She doesn't want no trouble and she prolly would have told you but you didn't wanna be bothered for the last few days ."

"omg ! Shutup! Tell me what you know!! Tell me what you know !" I said smiling and jumping up and down .

Jay just looked at me like I was crazy .

" First off stop that white shit . But Keyon ate Tamara's pussy two nights ago in the guest room ."

" wow . I'm happy for them but sad for Princess."

" Bae . Why? Like she is drama and trouble and word around she been creeping every since Tamara came back around . Ole homie said he fucked her a week ago and she was venting to him saying she felt like her man was replacing her . That ain't no reason to fuck around , communicate , right ? She dumb ."

" wow . I mean P does get like that sometimes but she's been through a lot Jay ."

" And so has fucking Tamara . She's been through it ALL! My boy found his soulmate until she did that shit that she had to do to protected her . Before that , he was happy . I'm so tired of Keyon not being happy . That's my brother and he deserves to be happy and Tamara is that piece for him . Nia completes the puzzle . Just think about that Bae "

Jay did have a point . I just don't want any fighting in my house .

" I just don't want them to fight ."

" If anybody start fighting I'll be sure to shoot Princess . Don't worry Bae."

I punched him in the stomach .

" You so damn stupid " I said laughing .

" I'm dead ass serious ." He said opening the bathroom door  , grabbing my hand .

" And that's what makes it worse ."

" I'll cook dinner go and work on your fashion outlines so I can see them later . Have the fellas girls help you too . It'll be fun for you . Shit have Nia and Li help you they love that shit ." He said kissing me

" You gonn cook dinner?" I said raising my brows .

" anything for my lady " he said smacking my ass

" Well I want a big meal . Surprise me ," I said tongue kissing him .

" Better stop before we be having twins ." He said making me bust out laughing .

" Bye Jay . I'm going upstairs ."

" Love you Pooch,"

" I love you too snoota" calling him the nickname that he hates .

He just shook his head and went to the kitchen .

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