Update !!

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It's been 6 months since I've had my healthy , beautiful baby girl , Liyana . I love her so much ! I was nervous for the first month . I mean being a mom was nothing new to me but it was like a relieve to a new beginning . Maceson will forever be in my heart . Now that he has a little sister to watch over just melts my heart . I just wish he could be here physically on this earth . I would do anything to get my baby back . Anything . Jayceon has been a great father . I mean when he is here . He's always at the trap late hours . Those are the times when Yana wakes up , crying and I'm always the one to settle her down . I don't think Jayceon would cheat on me . But I don't know now . I can't even have sex with him because I just think he's cheating now . When I bring it up to him , he saying I'm crazy and delusional but it's just in my gut and I always go with my gut . But on the bright side , My cousin Princess moved back up here . My mom and her mom were sisters . My aunt died last year of cancer . God rest her soul and she came back up here to be with the only family she knows , literally and that's Kennel and I . Princess and I grew up like sisters . Her and my aunt begged me to come move down to New Jersey with them after my parents were murdered but I couldn't . This was my home . Me and Princess were close . We have that kind of bond that no matter what , we always pick up like we never left . Now since she's been here she's met Keyon and for the last month they've been kicking it . She just got out of bad relationship and Keyon , well you know everything that has happened with Tamara . It's just been hard for him . I mean , He has us to help him raise Nia . But I know he's still hurting . I would be too . She's just the cutest . She's now 11 months . She walks and she tries to talk a little . She reminds me of the old Tamara . The one I once knew before she became a snake . I want Keyon to be happy because he deserves too and I commend him for raising Nia with all that he has been through and I want Princess to be happy too so I think her and Keyon should be together. Plus I love playing match maker .

Yana was in her crib sleeping . I just fed and burped her and now she was out cold . I was waiting for Princess to come over . I heard the door close and I knew it was Jay . I really love him but I can't stand him these days . I walked back into our room and saw him getting in the shower . That's the first thing he does now when he gets home . Not check on what should be the most important girls in his life besides his mother . His priorities are so fucked up .

" Where you been ?" I asked sitting on the bed .

" At the trap ? Where you think I been ?" He said with an attitude .

I laughed .

" Don't ask me shit like that if you don't wanna hear my answer "

He sighed loudly and walked over to me .

" Look Ri . Don't start ya shit !" He said standing over me .

I stood up pushing him back !

" No ! You don't start your shit ! You been fucking around on me for the last 6 months and I know it ! And you know me . If it wasn't for OUR daughter by myself and nobody but me , I would of been on your ass like white on rice . You and that bitch you fucking !" I said punching him smooth in the face .

I don't even give a fuck I'm tired ! I gave my all to Jayceon and I KNOW he is cheating because the same way I feel now in my gut and heart is the same way I felt when Daniel cheated on me . I know Jayceon . I know he's lying .

" Ain't nobody cheating on you Mariah . I love you ," he pleaded .

I wasn't buying .

" Yeah ? " I laughed . " Love works in mysterious ways . Who is she Jayceon ? "

He just looked at me , clenching his jaws .

" You think I'm playing ? Fuck with me please !!! I will take Yana and we will leave ! "

" That's my daughter too , Mariah ! You not taking her no fucking where and you ain't going nowhere so stfu !" He spat

" No Nigga . That's MY fucking daughter ! Just because you leave money here for us doesn't mean shit ! I don't need your money . Did you forget I'm a fucking fashion designer ? I make millions of dollars !"

" And don't you fucking forget who gave you money to start that fucking fashion shit!"

I walked to my wallet .

" Here nigga ! " I said throwing money at him ! " I thanked you over and over again . You happy you happened me ! You should . I got money out the ass if you want me to pay you back I fucking will ! You helped me start it yes ? But everything I have built I built on my own ' you just financed the beginning . "

He started putting his shoes on !

" I'm out . This is why I don't come home until you sleep !" He said coldly .

" No you don't come home until late because you be out fucking ! Imma find me somebody else just watch .

The door slammed !

I took out my phone and dialed Princess !

" You found anything out ?" I asked .

" Yeah girl . It's the assistant at the office ."

" I fucking knew it ! Everybody said that he was a good man . I know what I was talking about . "

" Let's go run down on this bitch later on tonight .

" Bet . I'm omw so we can go shopping . I'll meet you at the mall instead of you coming here ."

" Aigh see you cous ."

I hung up . My eyes filled with tears and then I realized ! He's the loser ! He's the one that lost the best thing ever . I called Mia up to ask her is she could come over with Gigi and watch Liyana . About 20 minutes later Gigi and Mia were here . I kissed my baby goodbye and Gigi , hugged me and walked to my car .


I didn't get a proper introduction . I'm Princess Gonzales , Mariah's first cousin . My mom past almost a year ago and now I decided to move back down here to be with my blood , Kennel and Mariah . We grew up together . Mariah was more like a sister to me than a cousin . We did everything together and till this day we still have that bond . Mariah pop off I be right there swinging and then ask her what happened later . I play no games when it comes to her . We just found out Killa cheating and we gonn bust his no good ass and that hoe ass bitch face . I'm so tired of these no good ass niggas . I just got out of a relationship . One that I was in for 3 years . 3 years of lies and deceit . Broke my heart into two . But fuck him . I'm healing and I kinda like Keyon but all that he's been through and myself I think we'd be good together because we both want to go slow . But back to Killa . Nobody hurts my family ! We gonna run down on they ass . He going over to her house later on . I hacked into the bitch phone . That's what I do . I specialize in computers and anything with an on and off button . I can hack anything and everything believe me . It was gonna go down and knowing myself and knowing Mariah , it's not gonna go down nice and easy . This Nigga Killa must be stopped ! He can hurt whoever he wants because I don't give a fuck about them . But Mariah , that's my sister and I will Kill Killa ass for her .

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