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Killa came to pick me up and he told about what went down Lastnight . I can't believe I laid down with a snake . She causing too much drama and Killa and I both don't do drama . We just kill that shit off . After Tamara drop my seed . I think I'm gonna off her fr . He told me how Mariah was crying . If she hurt Killa hurt and if my boy hurt I hurt . So she got to go . We went to Kennel knew spot to pick up Mariah . She been there all day . Kennel and I was cool now . We hashed shit out like a couple of grown ups . I mean what's the point of beefing with him over a snake ? Only thing she done did for me that I'll forever thank and love her for is giving me the chance to be a father . She worthless and a snake . I don't fuck with those . We was waiting outside for about 10 minutes and the front door open and Mariah came out . She looked like she was crying . I saw Killa face . He hated for her to cry . She was his weakness . She was his heart . Seeing them together just gave me hope that I would find me a rider like that . I thought it was Tamara but look at that bitch now . Killa got out the car and walked over to Mariah .


" What's wrong Bae ? Who I gotta kill ?" I said kissing her tears away .

" I just really missed you today . " she said crying .

I looked at like she was crazy . I know she not doing all this crying because she miss me . These hormones gonna be the death of me .

" Babygirl , you doing all this crying shit because you missed me . You have a phone . You could of called me Mariah ," I said aggravated .

" But I wanted to see you . I missed your face and your lips ," she said poking her lips out .

She's suck a baby yo .

" So why didn't you FaceTime me ?"

" You was working and I wanted to see you in person ," she said whining .

" So you just been over here crying like this Ri?"

She nodded . I just shook my head .

" Pick me up ," she said with her arms up .

I just picked her up and gave her what she wanted and carried her to the car .

" She good?" Keyon asked looking back at Mariah who was now knocked out .

" Yeah . She said she just missed me so that's why she was crying . These hormones and this pregnancy is kicking her ass. " I said feeling bad for my baby .

" Damn . But that's love though my boy . To be honest I ain't never seen you like this over no female . Not even in high school when you was dating Jenny ." Keyon said .

" Yeah . I know . Mariah is just different . In a couple of years when I get this drug shit handled I'm gonna marry her . " I said thinking .

We pulled up to the store to get Mariah her pregnancy vitamins . I wasn't gonna leave Mariah in the car by herself . You never know who watching . Can't have nobody shooting up my car and hurting my babies . I shook her lightly and told her to come on . She put her arms up for me to pick her up .

" I'm not carrying you Mariah . Even through you acting like a baby you  not one . " I said

She laid back down . She's such a brat .

" Cmon girl , damn " I said picking her up .

Once we got inside Walgreens I put her down . She walked over to pick up some chips and then some guy and lady walked up to her and started talking . Me and Key just watched from a distance .


" Mariah ? That's you?"

I looked up and it was Daniel . My expressed become hard and cold . This Nigga did me so dirty . I don't even want to look at him .

" Don't front . You know exactly what I look like ?" I said annoyed .

I don't have time for no damn games .

" can I talk to you in private ?" He said looking at the girl he was with .

She nodded and continued her shopping .

" what you want ? " i said picking up some more chips to put in the basket . I wasn't really worried about Daniel putting his hands on me again because Jay and Key was right there and they would kill his ass in 2.5 .

" So it is true ? You been fucking Killa ? Now you pregnant ? What about Mace ?" He said grabbing my arm lightly .

I snatched away and that's when Jay was right behind me and Keyon was right beside him .

" Mace will always be in my heart but I want to give him a little brother or sister that he can watch over . I will NEVER forget about Mace . Who I'm fucking and dating is none of your business . I'm happy and I'm getting treated right . He loves me !" I said mad as hell .

" I love you ! Does that matter ?" He shouted .

I looked back at Jay's expression . He was pissed .

" no . It really doesn't . Now I'm done with this conversation ." I said walking away .

Daniel grabbed me . Just then , Jay lost it and started whooping Daniel's ass . If Keyon didn't stop him Daniel would be dead . The girl he was in the store with just watched from a far and cried . I wish she would have jumped in . I'm pregnant and can't fight right now but I'll tase and shoot a bitch .

" Touch her again and you dead blood ." Jay said .

I paid for my medicine and we left . I really can't believe that Nigga Daniel .

Just a short chapter . Tell me what you think . Thank you . Hope you're enjoying so far ❤️

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