Get right back to my baby

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It's been a two months and I haven't seen Tamara . I have no idea where she is staying . None of us do . Only person who knows is Mariah . I tried to get Jay to get something out of her but he just say " Pooch won't budge " . If I want to see Nia , Mariah goes and gets her and brings her to me . I even asked Nia where Tamara was staying and she just gives me details of the house they stay at and the things she sees but it's nothing useful . I call Tamara and she doesn't answer . I have to leave a voicemail or text her saying I want to see Nia . She won't respond , Mariah will call or just bring Nia to me . I asked Pooch how Tamara is doing and she'll say good , fine , okay . Little simple shit . I just want to know wtf did I do that was so bad for her to shut me out like this . I can't even think right . I've been staying with Jay and Pooch because I have Princess the house we had . She moved Shawn in and her ghetto ass friend Peaches . I really don't give a fuck all I'm worried about is getting Tamara back . I walked into the workout room and saw Pooch and Jay working out . Jay was bench pressing and Pooch was on the treadmill . Nia and Liyana were in the play room . I walked over to Mariah and Jay set the bar back and walked over to me dapping me up . I guess he saw the look in my eyes . He tapped Mariah shoulder and she unplugged her headphones and got off the machine . Jay rubbed her baby bump .

" Bae . Can you call Tamara and have her come over ?" He asked .

Mariah looked at me .

" I can't do that . She just doesn't want to see you Keyon . I'm sorry ." She said rubbing her belly .

" Mariah . Please . I don't even know wtf I did wrong . All I was trying to do was make it right with her so I can have my family back . Look how happy Liyana was when you moved back in with Jay . She was so happy to have her mommy and daddy in the same house , actually being a family again . If you can't do it for me , do it for Nia . Please ." I begged . My eyes got teary but the thug in me would not let them shits fall .

" Come on Riah ," Jay said leaning on the wall .

She put her hair up into a pony tail and looked at her fingernails .

" What am I supposed to say to get her to come here? Because I'm not telling you where she stays ," she said looking up .

" Tell her that you fell and me and Jay took the kids to get ice cream and you're having contractions ." I said .

" Okay, well I'll try." she said taking another sip of water .

" Thank you thank you thank you !!!" I said lifting her up and spinning her around . I kissed her forehead . She punched the shit out of my jaw .

" Nigga . You know i don't like to be in the air !! And I don't want my bestfriend's pussy juices on my forehead !" She said wiping it off .

Jay and I starting laughing .

" You don't like to be in the air ? But when you be riding this dick it's different " Jay said

She mushed his face

" Shutup snookums ," she said laughing

" stop playing with me girl ," he scolded .

" And I don't have Mara's pussy juices on my mouth girl . I kiss my daughter with these lips !" I said scrunching my face

" Then my niece has pussy juice lips ," she said laughing .

" Okay then mine has dick lips" I shot back

" Aye aye . Stop playing with me before I shoot ya ass in the mouth." Killa said getting serious

Me and Pooch just laughed . This Nigga is crazy . Jay and I waited for Mariah to get off the phone with Tamara . I really hope this shit works . I miss her foreal .

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