Now behold the truth

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I woke up to hearing someone talking downstairs . I looked down and Mariah wasn't there . It had to be Mariah downstairs but who was she talking to ? I got up and went downstairs to the kitchen where Mariah was . She was on FaceTime with Tamara . I sucked my teeth and looked at her .

" What Bae ? " she said looked at me .

" You all loud and shit . What time is it?" I asked her .

" It's 11 : 21 and my bad . I ain't mean to wake you ." She said kissing me .

I bent my head down to kiss her back .

" Hey nigga !" Tamara said over FaceTime .

" Wassup lil nigga ." I laughed .

Then Keyon came to the camera .

" Fuck you doing nigga?" He asked .

" Minding my fucking business bitch," I said laughing .

" fuck you too then , " he said laughing .

I looked over and Mariah only had on panties and one of my shirts and her hair was pulled back into a curly bun on top of her head . My baby had a lot of hair and she was beautiful without even trying . I smiled at her . I can't believe I've been in a relationship , faithfully for 8 months . Time really flew by and I feel like she's my bestfriend . She really ride for a nigga . I taught her how to shoot a gun a few months ago just in case and I bought her , her own gun . Her birthday is in 4 months . The day after we make a year and I wanna go all out for her . I really care about her foreal . She bring out the best in me , only person besides my momma that can calm me down . My moms love Mariah and shit . I don't wanna sound all bitchy but I just might too . It was hard at first when she moved in because when I came home from the trap , being home was my get away now I had to share it . Then I realized that Mariah was my get away from everything else so that was a plus for her moving in . I told her everything . How I got shot 2 times , How I started doing what I do , I told her about my pops , I told her everything . I even went up to the prison with her to go see my pops and her brother . It went good . We went a few times actually . And the sex got better and better . She even started cooking for a nigga . I brought her down to the trap and let her bust some Nigga for me . Just to get her trained so if she has to ever kill to defend herself and I'm not around . At first she was a little shaken because she actually killed someone but then she just got used to it . When she in the trap I call her ass baby Killa because she ruthless . She broke me out of my thoughts .

" Bae . You want pasta or chicken , rice and bean ?" She asked .

That's right . My baby be throwing down .

" I want Spanish food ," I said walking up behind her .

" Ewk niggas . I'm still on the phone ." Tamara said still on FaceTime .

" Well she gonn call you later," I said and ended the call.

" After I finish cooking , I wanna watch a movie . And i wanna--"

My phone started ringing . It was big black my security nigga at the trap . He been working since my pops was in charge . He been working for me for about 6 years . He a real nigga .

" speak " I said into the phone .

" Yo Killa . Some shit came up at the trap . You gotta get here boss . " he said .

" What the fuck happened black ?" I said getting mad .

Mariah started rubbing my shoulders , calming me down .

" Niggas broke into the trap . We caught them but I think you should come down to the trap . Nigga got a lot to say and Keyon said you should bring Mariah too . " black said .

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