Being with a thug

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Things have been real weird lately because some nigga is after Jayceon . He been killing his niggas that been tryna kill him and he been killing Jay's niggas too . Niggas just been killing niggas in the hood . Shit been crazy . Tamara's pregnant so Keyon doesn't want her going anywhere . He doesn't even want her out of his site for too long . Jay even worse and I'm not even pregnant . This shit has been going on for two months and it was getting old . I told Jay he needs to put a stop to all of this . I get afraid that niggas gonna start coming for me . Jay say he got me but you just never know . These niggas is snakes .

I was on my way to pick up Tamara . She felt like she was getting fat so I was going to take her to get her hair and nails done and then we were going to her appointment . Jay and Key was handling business so Key was gonna meet us at the appointment . I texted Tamara telling her to come outside . I was about 20 minutes away and it was gonna take her about 15 minutes to get up and come down the stairs . She looked cute pregnant though . I was happy for her .

I finally got to her house and we pulled off .

" Hey Bae . You look cute bitch ," I greeted .

" Hey Bae . Thank you . I like your eyebrows . They cute bitch . Are you treating me to food too ? because a bitch hungry as fuck . I'm eating for 4 now . " she said

I pulled the car over .

" Four ? " I raised my eyebrow

" Yeah . Me , myself , the baby , and I ," she said laughing .

I can't with her 😂

My phone started ringing and I put it on speaker .

" Hello ? " I spoke into the phone .

" Mariah . It's Wonda . Jay got shot . He's not doing well at all he is at St.Mary's hospital . Come quick . " Jayceon's mom said into the phone .

I was a little worried about how calm she was . Maybe it was because she's been through this with Jay's father too.

I stopped the car in the middle of the road . It was like my heart stopped and I could no longer breathe . My baby . My heart . His life was on the line . I was in no condition to drive . I couldn't even see because my tears blurred my vision . All I could hear was cars beeping constantly.

" Breathe Ri . Breathe " Tamara said rubbing my back .

She was saying something else but I just zoned out and started thinking about all the stuff me and him been through in these 10 months . Everything wasn't perfect but I was happy and I had someone to love me for me and treat me right . I found my other half . I have a family now. I can't lose him . I can't . I came back to reality and out my thoughts and Tamara was still talking .

" Mariah ! Mariah did you hear me ? I said you have to get together so you can be there for you man . He needs you . You're his backbone . It'll be better if he knows you're there . Come on baby you gotta pull it together . This is what comes with being with a kingpin . " she said rubbing my back and her stomach .

I could tell this was just as much for me as it was for her . She was pregnant and her emotions and hormones are all over the place and she was still tryna hold it together for me . I wiped my face and put the car in drive . I started speeding down the roads . It took us about 10 minutes to get the hospital .

" Get out and go . I'll go park . Tell Key and ma I'll be up in a minute . Go girl ! " she said wobbling to the drivers seat .

I ran into the hospital and went to the reception desk . Keyon and Wonda ran over to me . I broke down .

" He's in surgery . He got shot in the chest . The bullet just missed his heart . I've delt with this with is father . It's gonna be a lot of this but you are his lady so you gotta be gansta with him and hold your nigga down . You hear me ?" Jayceon's mother said . " it ain't nothing God gonna give you that you can't handle . " she said hugging me .

" What happened Keyon ?" I asked as I sat down .

" We ran in on the nigga that been tryna kill Jay and his niggas started busting back . I told Jay we had to get out of there but you know his stubborn ass , he was like nah I ain't leaving until one of us dead . Either me or him . So he killed the nigga and one of his niggas shot Jay . But then me and the crew killed everybody . He lost a lot of blood Mariah . He gonna be alright . He always is . Just be there for him . He kept asking for you the whole ride to the hospital ." He told me .

All I could do was just cry . God please be with me with him. God help me

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