Dont try me

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" Daddy why does the baby keep crying. I am trying to write." GiGi said

Mia and I have a one year old boy , Kennel . He has a cold so he's really fussy and cracky.

" Gi . He's still a baby . You have to have patience ." I said giving Jr his medicine .

Gigi is 7 going on 30 . The things she says and the way she carries herself is like a little woman . Mia walked in the kitchen and kissed Gianna's cheek and my lips .

" Hey mommas sick baby ." She said taking Jr out of my hands .

He rested his head on her chest and wrapped his arms around her neck . He was holding on for dear life . He's so spoiled and he's such a mommas boy . Gi always wants to be with me while Jr is always with Mia . I tell her to stop babying him so much because I don't want my sun to be soft . She just ignores me or says " that's my baby Nel " .

Lance was coming over to talk about him and Monique . They've been having some issues . He's bringing the boys over too . Lance and I go way back . It's like everybody been in the same circle for so long. Lance and I have been best friends since diapers because our parents grew up and worked together and Lance was boys with Killa and Silence too so I knew them for a long time too . I just ain't really kick it with nobody except Lance especially after my mom's and pops died .

Mia went to go open the door for Lance . He looked stressed out . The boys went into the living room with Gigi and Jr followed behind them .

" Man you look like you going through it my nigga ," I said

" It's Mo man . She be tripping . Everything she done for me she still think imma cheat on her again . I cheated on her when we were 17 . I'm almost 30 . That was almost 15 years ago . I have not even touched a girl at all except momma B , Pooch , Tamara , or Mia . Those are the only females I'm around all the time that I have any type of contact with and those my fucking sisters. She be tripping . What if she really cheating on me and just want to make it seem like it's me. I'm good to her man . I really am . I cater to her every WANT and need . I'm not messing around on her . She's my wife , the mother of my boys , and the love of my life . I'm not cheating . I just don't get it man . Where did I go wrong? We were just good . I swear to God we was ." He said tearing up . He wiped them before the dropped . Lance is a hardcore nigga . He don't want to show his emotions but I know he hurt . Him and Mo have been dating since we were like 15 . He cheated when we were in high school and he popped a molly for the first time . Since then he ain't never pop one again . He love Monique . When he did a bid in the pin she held him down and had to take care of two Kids until he got out . I know he ain't cheating and if he was , he would definitely tell at least me.

" Did you ever think that she's pregnant? Maybe that's why shes so insecure and emotional . You said you didn't want anymore kids . Maybe she thinks you know and you'll leave her. Ever think of that?" Mia asked

I looked at Mia and back at Lance . She did have a good point .

" Sounds about right bro," I said

" Shit . How could I be so fucking stupid and not see this shit? I'm supposed to know my wife . Me and the kids gonna head back to the house so I can talk to Mo . Thanks Mia ." He said

" The boys can stay here . Come and get them later . Go enjoy time with your wife ." I said dapping him up.

" how'd you know that?" I asked Mia

She sat my plate in front of me with a nice hot cup of coffee

" Because she told us at girls night. We're all close Nel so we tell each other all of our problems. You know, just girl talk. She said sipping her coffee.

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