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I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 😩 . I was in labor for 7 hours . 7 hours of hell but I would do it all over again for my baby girl . We named her Liyana Sasha Brown . She had a head full of hair already and hazel greenish eyes . She was so Precious , my face filled with tears . Jay held her for the first time since she came out .

" Hey daddy's baby girl . Hey stanka ." He said rocking her while smiling .

She smiled and grabbed his finger . I saw a tear slip from jayceon's eye . This moment was so beautiful . I just laid my head back and watched . After a while I dozed off .


I can't believe I have a daughter and she is so beautiful just like her mother . I am so thankful  for this and it just makes me love Mariah even more for giving me a daughter . I have to ease up from the trap . I'll just do drop ins . I know Keyon will have it under control but he wouldn't really be in there like that because he had Nia to watch after and nothing comes before you're child . He's been doing okay now that Tamara is gone , which is pretty good . It's gonna take him some time to meet somebody . I just thought about a lot while looking at little ole Liyana . Everyone came and left already . Mariah was laid in the bed knocked out . My baby was exhausted . I walked over to her , being gentle with Liyana . I kissed her forehead . Her eyes slowly crept open .

" We did it Bae ," I said rubbing her hair .

She smiled and went back to sleep . I placed her back in her nursery because she was now sleep . I watched her for a little bit and got into bed with Mariah . I just held her and rubbed her head . She looked so at peace now . I know it's hard for her because of Mace , but the fact that she was willing to give me the chance at being a father after what she been through , I will forever love her for that . I know it took a lot and even though she was unsure if she wanted to have another baby , I know she will love Liyana with all of her heart . The door flew open .

" Where's the baby ? Where's the baby ?" Gigi ran in saying .

She jumped on the bed with me and Mariah . Mariah jumped from the pain . I picked Gigi up .

" Be careful . Auntie Mariah is in a lot of pain because she just had the baby . " I said shushing her .

Mariah was now awake .

" Go back to sleep Bae ," I said

" I sorry Aunty . " Gigi said kissing Mariah's cheek .

" You wanna see Liyana?" I said bending down to Gigi .

" Uhuh ," she said smiling from ear to ear .

Mia and Kennel walked in .

" I'm so sorry . She just ran off . What did she do ?" Mia asked .

" Nah fam . She good . She just excited ." I said

I grabbed Liyana out of the nursery and sat down in the chair with her .

" Okay now Gi , you have to be gentle and quiet because she's sleeping and she's a baby . " I whispered .

She nodded her head . I sat her on the other side of my lap so she could see Liyana . She played with her fingers . After a while she opened her eyes for Gigi .

" Omg . Mommy ! Kenny ! Look ! The baby opened her eyes . " she said yelled .

She must have scared her because Liyana started hollering . Gigi jumped off and ran to Mia .

" Mommy . I sorry ." She said

I rocked her back and forth until she stopped crying . Mia and Kennel waved goodbye and walked out . I pick up the bottle and started to feed my baby girl . She was so tiny and cute . I swear her and Mariah are my weakness . If anybody wanted to take me out and they would smart , they would go for them . If they do, they better kill me because they fuck with my fam, I'm killing everybody that they know . Fuck that . After awhile Liyana fell back to sleep . I just held her and I started to fall asleep .

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