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This update is on ALL the characters. I will do a viewpoint on everyone. If you don't remember who someone is just go a view chapters back and look at the character update. THANKS.


A couple months has past since the talk that Nell had when me and Jay. Jay is childish and he hasn't said anything about it since. He's been acting real distant so I know he feeling some type of way but if he really had an issue, he's grown and should speak about it. We not some little kids like before and just dating, we grown, married and have three kids together. Nell comes around with the kids but I still haven't talked to Mia. I just feel like at this point we grown so we should all sit down and talk, me, Mia, and Mara. Our kids play together, we are family, and whether we like it or not we have to be around each other. So I set up a meeting for us to sit and talk. I specifically said no fighting to everybody, but mainly for myself because I know how I feel about Mia and honestly I'm willing to put it behind and move forward if this conversation goes well. Tamara really doesn't want to sit down with her because she feels like someone who can be that messy doesn't get a second chance but I explained to her that a few years ago when Jay shot her and her life changed and she was separated from Nia, that was all my fault and she forgave me. So she agreed to come and talk but she said she isn't making any promises. Me and Tamara are on our way to meet Mia at this lounge not too far from the house. I pulled up at the place and looked at Mara. She sighed.

"Let's just go in and get this shit over with," she said grabbing her purse and getting out the car.

I said a prayer in my head and followed in behind her. I saw Mia sitting at a table in the back.

"Hey ya'll," she greeted.

We said hey back and sat down.

"Okay. So let's get to it. Mariah I'll start with you first. You are the aunt's of my kids and the sister of my soon to be husband. I owe you an apology and this apology may not change a thing but it is still more than needed. I apologize for the way I acted. I honestly can't even sit up here and explain my actions, all I can do is just be better and check my shit at the door. I can assure you that my childish actions and recklessness at the mouth won't happen again. We are way too old for shit like this to be happening and that is being said for MY actions. I just hope we can move forward. I am apologizing because I disrespected you as a women and I would never be okay with someone doing that to me and I will apologize to Jay as well." she said.

She owned up to the shit and drama she caused so I guess I can forgive her.

"I forgive you. We grown as women. We gonna let the past be the past." I said hugging her.

I looked at Tamara who was staring hard as hell at Mia. Mia turned to Tamara and now they both was grilling each other.

" As far as you Tamara, I see no reasoning for me to have to apologize to you. However we can move on and be cool, collective, whatever you want to call it." Mia said putting her coat on.


Did this bitch just bump her head?

"You don't owe me an apology? Out of everybody I'm the one you owe plenty of apologies too. Jay,Pooch, and you was messy as hell with that situation but Bitch you the one who started everything because I slept with Nel? I didn't want his ass then. That was when we was little kids girl and your insecure ass wanted to stir up shit in my family. I did nothing wrong to you. The shit that happened in the past, we was kids, I'm grown and so are you. I lost my man, my bestfriend,  years of my  kid's life, and damn there mine over your messy ass and you gone sit in my face and tell me you don't owe me an apology? Bitch you owe me EVERYTHING! And it just so happen that I got it back. Months! Months Bitch I had to watch the love of my life be with another woman. Be in a spot that I was supposed to have! My fucking child, my child... she didn't even no me. She was calling someone else mommy because of you. Now I got everything back, so there's no need for me to hate you but bitch you really can sit up here in my fucking face and tell me you don't own me an apology? I should beat ya fucking ass bitch but you know what. Imma be a grown bitch and not. Imma apologize to you for being a sorry, immature, insecure, dumb ass Bitch who run in behind a nigga and want to keep him away from everybody. Bitch fuck you." I said banging on the table.

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