Family things

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I know I look bad and it seem like to everybody like I chose my girl over my sister but it ain't that simple. When I didn't have anything growing up I always had Mia and pooch . When I got locked up and Mia wasn't around that killed me but she had her shit going on. The moment she came back into my life it's like I felt complete again. Mia mouth do get a little crazy but I know when Pooch start going she not gonna stop until she whoop some ass and she will keep going after that too. She just don't know when to stop. I don't think I'm wrong for want to protect me and mine. I'm going to always love my sister but she grown and it's a way for grown people to handle an issue. Pooch is spoiled and bratty and she thinks that the moment she hear something she don't like or someone comes at her crazy she has to swing like nah. I ain't even mad at Jay because he gone protect his wife at the end of the day but he also need to check her too and let her know that , that shit ain't okay. Best believe I checked Mia ass too. It's just fucked up that I might of lost my sister forever trying to protect my family. Knowing pooch she won't sit down and talk. I was wrong for putting my hands on her and I tried to apologize multiple times but she just so fucking stubborn. It's sad to say that I feel like I got to watch my back because if my sister give the go, Jay will try to end my life and I can't say right now that she wouldn't. But if he think imma just lay down then he got another thing coming from his ass. You a killer till you get killed. I love my little sister and that's all I have left but I can't fight with her and be there for her if she don't grow the hell up. I think about Pooch all the time. I miss my nieces and nephew. Me and Pooch was attached at the hip man. I know I fucked up and didn't handle it right but I'm willing to talk about it and speak on my wrongs and my view point of the whole situation but I know Pooch childish ass ain't gonna wanna talk. I love my sister to death and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her. Shit just happened in the heat of the moment . It might of seem like I was picking Mia but I would never put anybody over Pooch, I just know how she is once she get mad man and that shit ain't pretty and nine times out of ten she do shit that's uncalled for.


After everything happened at mama brown house shit been cool. I haven't spoken to kennel in months now. Last week I saw him and Mia in the super market with the kids and they walked past me like they didn't even know me. I'm not going to lie, that did really hurt me. But I did the same and act like I didn't know them either. I've just being trying to be the best version of me that I can be. My clothing line is out of this world, my kids are happy, and my marriage is great. I mean me and Jay got into an argument the other day, we bicker here and there but that's what you do with people you love. It's just his deliverance is so damn rude and hostile sometimes and I hate it. But from that argument, I guess we're good and everybody else in the click just got closer than ever. Lance and Moe are still as solid as ever. They talking about having another baby. Lance is not speak to shay because of her fucking with Tay and playing a side. I mean she grown but he don't speak to neither one of them. I stay out of they business unless they put me in it.

Jay just walked in the house with the twins and Li. He picked them up from school. I was in the kitchen making them a snack until we ate later. Liyanna walked in the kitchen with an attitude.

"What's the problem mama," I asked her, spreading the peanut butter on the bread.

"I'm just tired mommy. Like really tired. I just don't get why school has to be such a long day. I just can't. You know what I mean?" She said with a serious face.

This girl was so damn dramatic. She was a trip.

"yeah I know what you mean but you have to stay in school to be smart baby. Can't just be pretty with no brains." I said in a duh tone making her laugh.

" I know mommy. I'm just really tired. Can I go take a nap before I do my homework?" She asked.

"Just knock your homework out real quick and then you can take a nap." I answered

She nodded her head and pulled her folder out her bag and started her homework at the kitchen table. The twins ran in the kitchen, hugging my leg. I swear they got so big so fast.

"hey mommy's babies." I said kissing them on the forehead.

Jay walked in the kitchen and sat down at the table with Li.

"You ain't see me call your phone nigga?" He said all aggressive.
I just looked at him.

"Jayceon, who the fuck are you talking to?" DONT start with me." I snapped.

He just laughed like shit was funny.

"Baby I'm playing damn. You be ready to fight with ya little ass. I'm just saying I called you though. But I already figured your phone wasn't by you or something because you know when daddy call, you come running." He said with a wink.

It was a knock at the front door. Jay went to go get it. I peep from out the kitchen to see who it was. Maybe it was Key or Mara with Nia.

" What the fuck you want?" Jay spat

Lord Jesus give me the strength to deal with these two today !! I put the rag on the table and open the door wider.

" Come in and sit down." I sighed

" Hell no Pooch. This my fucking house. NO!" Jay screamed.

" Jayceon please! Stop." I said annoyed. "Now talk."

Jayceon pulled out his gun and then POOOOW !!!


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