The truth of the matter is

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Things were going pretty good . I'm going on 3 months of being pregnant and yesterday was Liyana's 4th birthday . We threw her a big party in the back yard with a whole bunch of kids . She got so many gifts . She had a blast . I got her this doll house she wanted and some clothes . Jay got her a doll car , clothes to match w / him , and sneakers . So today I know she would sleep in late because she had all that fun yesterday . I turned over and jay wasn't in the bed . I went in the bathroom and did my hygiene and walked down to Li Li's room . Her and Nia were on her bed knocked out . Jamal , Jaleel , and Kam were on the floor and Imani and Chaliya were on the blow up bed all knocked out . I walked downstairs to the smell of breakfast . That made my heart melt . I walked into the kitchen to see Jay cooking a big breakfast . He looked at me and smiled . I walked over to him and reached up to poke my lips out . He reached down and kissed me . He was making pancakes , sausage , bacon , eggs , salmon patties , cinnamon rolls , waffles , and corn beef . My baby be throwing down . That's another thing I love about being pregnant , Jay cooks all the time .

I sat at the table listening to Lance , Keyon , Tay , and Kaito talk .

" Man I don't know what to do bruh . " Keyon said .

" Just break that shit off with P . She a hoe and a fucking annoying bitch ass hoe at that ." Lance spat . " Sorry Ri . But you know ion like that bitch," he said bitting into a piece of bacon .

I just sighed . Princess is starting to get on my nerves . She's actually sleeping with Shawn . Like she couldn't pick somebody else ? But you pick your man's former worker? How low? Keyon ain't no better .

" And Keyon ain't no better . He's eating the soul out of Tamara's pussy and still in a relationship with Princess . He's having his cake and eating it too ." I said folding my arms .

Jayceon shot me a death look and everybody else just stared at me .

" What? Tamara is my Bestfriend ." I said covering up for Jay but he just shook his head and turned back to the stove .

" Okay because Tamara is my heart . Princess isn't who I thought she was . I'm gonna break it off with her but I don't know how man . I'm still going to see her everyday . But I gotta do what's best for me and that's Mara . I want my family back . Plus she fucking Shawn ." Keyon said .

" Another reason to cut her ass off . I remember when I used to think Princess was a goddess but now even still with looks , she just trash ." Tay said .

" If you gonn say Princess cheating then you cheating too . She has suspicions of you and Tamara and she went to Shawn . Now you going to Tamara ," Kaito said

" But it's not because she went to Shawn . It's because I'm still in love with Tamara and I want to make things right . Name a time you just ain't a girl pussy and didn't have sex with her and just fiend for it ? And she wasn't wifey?" Keyon said making his point .

They just all agreed with him .

" Where's the girls ?" I asked the guys .

" Brandy went to work ." Tay said

" Carmen is out with Tamara picking out clothes for the kids ." Kaito said .

" Moe upstairs sleep . She still recovering from lastnight ." Lance said cheesing .

The doorbell ring and I went to get it . It was Kennel , pregnant Mia , and a sleeping Gigi . I hugged them and took Gigi putting her in the one of the guess room beds . Kennel went in the kitchen with the guys and Mia and I went in the living room to talk .

" Okay . So I'm not trying to be in your business . But I saw Killa and Ace talking . I'm not trying to run and tell but I was just telling you as my in law and friend ." She said

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