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Today is Liyana's First birthday . I'm so excited like its my day . I dressed her in this pink tutu , pink Jordan's that her father brought her , and a glittery pink tiara . My baby looked so cute . She got so many gifts from myself , Princess , her father , Josiah , Mia , Cassie , Kennel , Jay's mom , and his girl toy . Yeah . . Of course he's not gonna put a title on it because he's Jayceon Brown . He's only had 2 serious relationships . Josiah and I are still at it . I really like him . I'm handling the breakup pretty well and Josiah is helping with that a lot . We've been together for about four months . I'm afraid that something bad is going to happen today . I just hope Jay doesn't show his ass and I hope Josiah just keeps his cool . It's my little girls first birthday and I won't her to have the best.

The kids were running around playing . My family that I haven't seen in years was here with their children , nieces and nephews . For the most part Nia and Liyana were playing together because they really didn't know anyone else . But they were having a blast . Jayceon and Keyon been giving Josiah the side eye but I don't think he notices and I'm glad . Mama brown called Princess and I to the kitchen . I looked back before walking inside to see if Josiah was okay . He was with his boys . He looked up and smiled at me and I smiled back and walked in the house .

" You know you and my son love each other . Why can't ya'll just be together for me? He don't love that Tya and you don't want that whatever his name is ." She said seriously .

Princess just looked at me with a look saying to calm down .

" Look ma . He may not want to be with Tya , but I like what me and JOSIAH has going on . He treats me good , he's caring , nice , and he doesn't cheat on me !" I said softly

" But Jay loves you Mariah."

" And I love him too . But I have to love myself more . He hurt me deep and now he's gonna pay ." I said honestly .

I kissed her cheek and walked back out to the backyard .

I walked in the backyard and Jayceon pulled my arm and sat me on his lap . I looked over at Josiah and indeed , him and his boys were watching . I jumped up and smacked Jayceon .

" Jay wtf ! Chill with that extra shit!" I said .

" So you walk up in here with this corny ass nigga at my daughters party and think shit is all cool . This bitch ass nigga over me?" He slurred .

Jay was drunk and when he was drunk he really didn't give a fuck more than usual.

" Jayceon ! Knock it tf off ! You're drunk and you're about to show your ass! Please stop!" I yelled .

Josiah walked up and rubbed my back . His boys weren't too far and neither was Jayceon's .  Not at my baby's party .

" Look . I've been nothing but nice to you my nigga and that shit is about to be up . I've listen to you talk shit about me for too long and I damn sure ain't gonna be too many bitches . I respect you for Mariah . I thought you was gonna do the same ." Josiah said clenching his jaws .

I stepped in between .

" Josiah just relax !" I said pushing him back .

Liyana ran over and saved the day .

" Dada" she said reaching up for Jayceon .

Josiah turned around and grabbed his hoodie and walked out of the backyard with his boys following . I went after him .

" Josiah . Why are you leaving?" I asked confused .

" I'm not competing anymore Mariah . You defend this nigga all the time when all he do is disrespect me . You act like that nigga is God ! For the sake of you Imma just leave you tf alone before me and your baby father have a shootout . I'll see you around ." He said walking away .

I grabbed his arm .

" Josiah !! Wait . I'm sorry . I really do like you and-" he cut me off .

" But you love him . Mariah go be with him . All the pain that he caused you and you still rocking with the nigga . I ain't no dummy and I'm too grown for this shit fam," he said .

" He's still the father of my child , Josiah." I defended .

" There you go defending him again . Look baby girl , I'm not trying to take the fact that he is away . I'm just saying . The shit that you doing and his mouth , that shit ain't gonna end well ." He said .

" It's really not . My brother ain't gonna be too many punk ass bitches . That's not how we roll," Josiah brother said .

I just rolled my eyes at him because I wasn't talking to him .

" Josiah . We've been together for three months . That doesn't mean anything to you ?"

" It does . But it obviously doesn't mean anything to you ." He said walking away .

I grabbed his hand .

" Siah .. Just listen please ." I said moving closer to him .

" Back up Mariah." He said pushing me back a little . " I can hear you from there .

" Just come back inside and we can talk then . " I said

" Nah . Tell lil baby girl I said Happy Birthday again and I hope she like her gift . " He said taking his keys out his pocket .

" Get a get a hug ?" I said biting my lip .

He sighed and reach down to hug me . I hugged him back and then I kissed him . That kiss was so passionate and lustful . I bit down hard on his lip and he pulled back and looked down at me and chuckled a little .

" Don't start shit you can't finish . I'll call you later . Go be with your daughter and that nigga better keep his hands off you . " he said kissing my forehead .

" Okay . See ya . Bye guys " I said waving to his boys .

They waved back and got into Josiah's car . I headed to the backyard and looked at Jayceon with disgust and walked over to my baby . It was time for cake

What do you guys think? Should Mariah be with Josiah ? Will Josiah and Jayceon have a shootout ? Will shit get real ?

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