Its real

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I haven't talked to Mariah in two days . Yesterday she had a doctors appointment and I sent one of my workers with her . I needed space because I would of strangled her ass if I would have stayed at the house . She been calling my phone non stop for the last two days but I ain't feel like talking . Some bitches hit me up but I declined . I'm mad at Mariah , yeah ? But I love her and I ain't tryna fuck up . I sat on my moms couch with Key and watched the basketball game . The clippers and OKC was playing . Lebron was my favorite player but the nigga KD was the truth . He had 40 in the first half . My mom walked in and stood in front of the tv .

" Jayceon . I know you mad but you need to go home to your pregnant girlfriend . She is emotional as hell and she fucked up but we all Jay . She needs you to be with her right now ," moms said

" Ma . Look . Ma , I don't wanna hear that shit . She fucking dumb . Protecting a bitch who put her life and my fucking baby life at risk ! That's foul as hell ma ." I said

" Go tell her how you feel . If you love her make it right ."

" Why I gotta be the one to make it right . I ain't fuck up ."

" Be the bigger person . Just go be with her and make it right baby ." She said throwing me my car keys .

I rolled my blunt and walked out the house . I got in the car and lit the blunt and turned on my auto start to my car . I needed this blunt before I went home .

I walked into the house and Mariah was laying on the couch crying . I walked into the living room and just sat there . She looked up and ran over to me .

" Baby . I'm I'm so sorry ," she said crying into my chest .

" Get off of me Mariah ." I said picking her up and putting her on the couch .

" Jayceon . I'm sorry ," she said .

" Don't say shit to me Mariah ." I said pulling out my phone .

She snatched my phone out my hand .

" Wtf you doing ?" I said standing up towering over her .

" I fucked up ! I did . But I'm tryna make it better . We in this shit together and you said forever . Don't say forever and then when we get into something you shut me out ! We all fuck up . On top of that I'm fucking pregnant with your baby . 7 months fucking pregnant . I am hormonal , horny , and I peed about 30 times already . My nipples are aching too . Baby . I am sorry . I'm stressed . I need my man here with me to be here with me through this . Let's just talk please ." She cried to me .

I hated to see her cry .

" Mariah . I'm with you always . But what you did was dumb af . I could have lost you and my daughter and you knew who did the shit . You looked me dead in my face and said you didn't know who the female was . You had this bitch in my house when she tried to kill you . I face snake shit everyday with the lifestyle I live . I don't need that from my girl , my home . " I said looking down at her .

" Let me make it up to you daddy," she said rubbing my chest .

I knew what she was tryna do . She got down on her knees .

" Bae . Cmon . You don't have to do this man . " I said

She licked and licked . Then she started sucking the skin off my dick . That shit felt too good . I leaned back and enjoyed it . My mamas knew what she was doing . After about 20 minutes I nutted and she swallowed all my kids . I was still mad about the situation but I wasn't mad at her after that .

" You swallowing huh ? " I said as she brushed her teeth in our master bathroom .

She shot her head up .

" Nigga please . I always swallow . " she said waving her hand and still brushing her teeth .

" Yeah ? I know . That's why you seven months pregnant with a big round belly . " I said making us both laugh .

" You so stupid , Jay ." She said pushing me .

" Nah but fr though Bae . I missed you and I apologize for not protecting you . For not protecting my family . " I said rubbing her stomach .

My jaws clenched when I lifted her stomach up and saw the two bullet wounds . It wasn't like it was my first time seeing them , but it just upset me everytime . I'm glad that bitch nigga and that snake bitch is dead . I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing somebody hurt my baby girl and they still breathing .

" Bae I'm sorry . I am . Let's go lay down Bae . I'm tired now and I want you to hold me ." She wined pulling my arm towards the bed .

I got in bed and she laid in my arms tracing my tattoos

" Jay . I'm really sorry ." She whispered .

" Bae . Go to sleep . I love you ,"

" I'm glad that you're back home . We missed daddy . " she mumbled .

I laughed and kissed her forehead . Slowly after that she was knocked out in my arms snoring . I took a picture but made sure her body was covered because she forever sleeping naked . I posted it on Instagram : she is home and I ain't never leaving 💏💍 #Ms.prego knocked out

I instantly got about 300 likes and a whole bunch of comments . Some were people complimenting us and other was hating ass hoes . Either way I didn't give a fuck . I reach over to the night stand , turned the light out and put my phone on the charger . I was about to take it down too . That weed was getting to me now . I looked down one more time . Mariah was out cold, drooling on me and shit . I just shook my head and pulled the covers up .

" I love you babygirl ." I whispered while she was sleep . I really did love this girl with everything in me . Who would have known that she would be my weakness .

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