Welcome home

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Damn. I been in the pin for 11 years and they finally let me out on good behavior. I get to see my kids , my grand kids , and most importantly my wife. Damn I missed her . If you need the definition of a rider she is it . She held it together and raised the kids and held me down . I've put her through some shit that I'm not proud of but no love is perfect love and if it is, then it ain't real . Jay and Keyon came to visit me often but I didn't really see Dallas that much since he was away in college . That's right , my boy doing it big . Even though Dallas and Keyon wasn't mine , they were damn there . Keyon real mom is clean now . She been clean for almost 7 years and she came to see me a couple times . She wants to be in Keyon life but she's scared because he doesn't write her back . I talked to him about it but he says we his only family so I just left it alone . While I was locked up I met Kennel . We got locked up around the same time and I took him in as a son in there. He a real cool ass goon and what are the odds of that being my son's fiancé' brother . I can't wait to meet my grandkids man. I always wanted to be a grandpa and now I'm a free man and get to do what I want without a bitch ass nigga telling when to eat , shit , and sleep .

I walked out the gate and it was bright and sunny . It feels so good to be on the outside of this gate instead of the inside looking out . I walked over to my family . My wife ran over to me and gave me the biggest hug while she cried . Shit I cried too . It's been too long without my world . I've been broken without her . We've been married for 23 years . We had our moment and I just really couldn't believe I was out of prison . I hugged Jay so tight . Jay was a soldier . I taught him everything he knows . He always been so heartless so to see him out the game , with three kids , and engaged to be married was something special . I hugged Keyon next and he was just smiling. Keyon was smart and wise . He knew the right way in life whether he chose to do it or not , he knew but he has this dark side to him that'll creep up on you and you won't even see it coming . Last I hugged Dallas , my youngest boy . He was on summer break from college . He played football at Alabama University . He was talented and super smart . I know he gonna make it big . I did a great job with my boys turning them into men . I turned and looked at Mariah . Mariah was a beautiful young lady and I thank her the most because she held my son down and together when he didn't even deserve it , he should definitely put a ring on that . I reach out and hugged her short frame .

" Hey pretty lady . Thank you for putting up with my knuckle head son . He needs you so don't even leave him because he won't be whole again . You and my grandkids is what makes his heart beat . I just want to thank you for being that rock for him ." I said kissing her forehead .

" It's been a pleasure Micheal ." She smiled .

I looked over at what I assumed was Tamara . I never officially met her but we've spoken over the phone . She had little Nia next to her so I knew it was her . I walked over to her and brought her into a hug .

" Please to meet you Ms. Tamara ," I said

She smiled

" Thank you , sir ."

I wasn't a big fan of Tamara in the beginning because of how everything went down when my son fake killed her . Now that we know the real she seems amazing and she keeps Keyon happy so she's got my blessing . Even Tay , Kirk , and Lance came . These my long lost sons too . I brought them into a manly hug :

" Missed you my nigga ," Tay said dapping me up .

" Missed you old man ," Lance said throwing a playful gab at me .

I squared up with him and started laughing . Lance was a real cool ass nigga . He been around the longest . When he went away a few years ago , he gave me his word that he'd be second eyes for the fam .

Missed you Poppa smurf ," Kirko goofy ass said .

We got into the cars and headed to my new home . Nia and Liyana wanted to ride with us and everyone else got into separate cars .

" Papa , you stink . You need a shower before you play dollies with us." Liyana said scrunching up her face .

" Yeah . You smell really bad papa." Nia agreed pinching her nose .

I just cracked up .

" that will be the first thing I do when I get home babygirls ." I said laying back in my seat

I'm a free man , get to do what I do when I want , and I'm with my family again and the new generation . Damn I missed being free .

A short one ❤️

Please continue to comment on my chapters . Thank you 😌

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