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Shit just didn't feel right after Mia told me what she told me . Keyon been my brother since forever and I doubt Tamara told him that shit . I didn't want to be the one to tell him directly because that would put Mariah in it on both sides because her brother and then Tamara . Mia coming over with her daughter Gigi so I'm gonna tell Tamara and Key to come over so we can get to the bottom of this . I don't need babygirl stressing because I'll kill all of they asses and she won't have to worry about shit . I walked downstairs and Mariah was playing dolls with Gigi . She looked so happy . I think she wanted a girl but then again I think she just wants to have another baby period to have that connection . I walked into the living room with Mariah and Gigi , Mia and Kennel was in the kitchen catching up I guess . Mariah looked up at me and waved her hand for me to come over .

" Gigi . I want you to meet my boyfriend . His name is Jayceon . " Mariah said .

" hi . I'm Gigi . " she said to me .

I bent down so I could be at her level . She was so cute and little . She making a nigga get all soft . If we have a daughter I swear she'd be so spoiled and I'd have to go gun shopping to get some new guns.

" Hi pretty girl . " I said tickling her .

She startled giggling so hard . It made me start to laugh . Mariah just sat back and watched .

" Jayceon ? You wanna play dollies with me ?" She asked with these big ole puppy eyes .

Nah . Imma fucking thug we don't play dollies . I laughed to myself.

" Pweaaasssee?" She begged .

I looked at Mariah and she gave me the puppy dog eyes too . Now how could I say no .

" Okay . But you have to teach me how to play . " I said sitting on the floor .

I sat there and played dolls with Gigi for about an hour until she fell asleep on my chest . Before I knew it , I was sleep too .

I woke up to a flash . First thing I reached for was my gun underneath the couch . It was Mariah taking pictures of me and Gigi sleeping .

" Shhh ! Relax before you wake her up ." She said .

" what time is it ?" I asked

" going on eight ." She said .

" Imma go put Gigi in the bed ," I said getting up and carrying her up the steps .

" Hurry back so I can have some time with daddy ," she said rubbing her name on my bare back .

I laughed and went up the steps . I put Gigi in our bed and tucked her in .

" No goodnight kiss?" She said as I was leaving the room .

I hesitated but I walked over to her and kissed her forehead and she kissed my cheek .

" Goodnight Jayceon ," she said falling back to sleep .

I watched her for a little . This little girl is adorable . The doorbell rang I knew it was Key and Tamara . It was time to get down to business . I opened the door and Tamara walked in after Keyon . Tamara and Mia made eye contact and then the tension in the room got thick as hell . The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop . Shit was about to get too real. I could feel it

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