Crazy Exes and O's

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" I want my fucking niece and daughter transferred from this fucking school . Fuck that they getting home schooled . I don't got time for a crazy ass mother fucka I will kill the whole world if they tryna fuck with them!" Jayceon said putting liyana's coat on .

" Bae . Okay , just calm down . You're gonna scare the kids ." I said grabbing his arm .

His face softened a little when he looked at Nia and Liyana . We got in the car to drop the girls off at momma brown house . The twins were already there . I had a meeting with a new client and I couldn't be late .

" Bae . I have to go before I'm late . That's why I was trying to say we should take separate cars ." I told him as we walked into his mother house .

" It's cool bae . I'll stay here just come get me after your meeting . I want to bond with the kids . I probably scared them half to death anyway." He said half smiling . He sat at the table with his head in his hands .

He's so hard on himself sometimes . He wants to be the best father and the greatest uncle . I tell him everyone messes up but they'll still love you . He just doesn't want them to know him as the mean guy like everyone else .

" Baby-" he cut me off

" I didn't mean to blow up like that in front of them . It's just that BITCH is crazy and I'll be damned if something happens to my kids or anyone I love . If nobody don't know , you know that I will kill Princess ass and still make sure you're okay . I just didn't mean to scare them like that man ," he said

I rubbed his back and sat on his lap . I kissed his forehead .

" You're a great father and a great uncle to your nieces and nephews and they love you . Liyana always wants to be w / daddy and everyone else always wants to be with uncle Jay . It is okay ." I said honestly .

" You always wanna be with daddy too ." He said smirking .

" bye Jayceon ." I said smacking him in the head .

" But foreal . Tell me all about your meeting later . I love you . And we got a special night tonight . I paid to get your hair done at Tamara salon so dress nice ." He said .

I smiled . I love how Jay has grown into the man I love .

" I love you more lil killa ." I said making us both laugh .

" You right I forgot you big killa ."

" Don't forget it Nigga "

He smacked my ass as I walked over to the twins .

" Bye momma babies . " I said kissing Little Jayce and Janelle

Jay walked me to my car and gave me a kiss on the lips and one on the forehead before I pulled off to my boutique .

I walked inside and greeted my workers . I slipped through the back way of my office . I had a lot of famous clients like Beyoncé , Rihanna , Nicki Minaj , Monica , Drake , Future . If they were big they were most likely my client . I was the biggest fashion designer in let alone Atlanta , but the whole Georgia peach . Today would be the first time me meeting my new client . She wants me to make her wedding dress , prides maid , and her husband's suit . Monique is my secretary . I called the front desk to let her know that I was here and she can send the two to the back . Monique tried to say something but my phone rang .

" Just send them in . It's Tamara calling ." I said hanging up .

I picked up her FaceTime hair in her hand , sewing some lady weave in .

" Girl ! I'm gonna be the one to tell you . You're client is-"

Before she could say anything the door opened . My mouth dropped .

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