Secrets always come out

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It's been a month since me and Mariah made a year . She been happier and I love it . If she happy I'm happy . She's about two months pregnant and she has this cute glow and little pug to her stomach . She doesn't really have mood swings like that . The doctor said it will come though and crazy food cravings . We still been having sex and the sex is better than ever . Her pussy always wet but it was like a nigga was going swimming now . Me and Mariah was meeting Silence and Tamara at the mall to do some shopping . I swear Tamara get bigger everytime I see her . She 9 months now so she's due any day now. I keep telling them that her stomach is all head . That shit be funny as hell when I say that and she curse me out . We walked into Victoria secret and me and Key was sitting down and our Ladies was looking around the store , grabbing shit left and right . Silence tapped me pointing at this nigga that was checking out Mariah . I got up and walked over to him with key right beside me .

" You like what you see my nigga ?" I said laughing .

Keyon laughed too because he knew what it was .

" yeah fam she some bad ass Jawn , damn !" He said licking his lips .

I hit has ass and his boy jumped up . Keyon pulled out his strap .

" That's my girl . And unless you wanna be carrying ya jaw to the hospital or your mother burry you I suggest you stay away from her ." I said with my foot on his throat .

Mariah ran over when she saw what was going down and Tamara wobbled over grabbing Keyon making him put his gun away .

Mariah pushed me back . I took off my hat and stepped back . Keyon was still on go and so was i .

" Oh , you Killa ?" He asked . " I heard about you "

" You obviously didn't " I said mugging him .

" Look . You should just get the hell outta here while you still have your life . " Mariah said to the nigga .

" Aigh you have a nice day miss . " he said grabbing Mariah's hand .

That was it . I let out two hot ones in his ass and Silence shot both of his boys . Mariah and Tamara just shook their heads . They was used to this shit .I called one of my workers to come clean this shit up . People was running all over the place because they saw three dead bodies . Nobody had heard any gunshots because the silencer was on our gun . The ladies paid for the stuff and said their goodbyes . We was in the car now on our way home .

" That shit back there was uncalled for Jayceon . Killing niggas and shit ." She said folding her arms .

" The streets don't call me Killa for nothing ." I simply said .

" but you killing nigga because they like what they see . "

" You mine . If it was up to me I woulda took the nigga eyeballs out . Then what the fuck he was gonna look at " I said looking straight ahead .

" I can't help it I'm attractive . I mean that's one of the reasons you with me ," she said still tryna plead her case .

" I can help that. I just proved it." I said .

" You get on my fucking nerves yo" she said putting her headphones in .

" Yeah ? I love you too Bae."

She sucked her teeth and turned on her music . We road in silence the rest of the way . I over reacted but I don't give a fuck. I gotta set the tone for these Niggas when it come to my bitch. I don't play

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