When in doubt beat her down

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I walked in the house and Mia and I locked eyes . I don't like this bitch and yes we have major history . She just does way too much. Always have . I loved Kennel I really did that's why I was so on call to fucking him whenever he wanted after his and Mariah family died because I thought I would make him love me . I was young and dumb. I got pregnant and I figured he'd definitely be with me because I gave him what his hoes didn't but it didn't and I loss the baby . Mia and Kennel have ALWAYS had this bond , this , this love that I despised as a kid . She found out all that I was doing with Kennel and we fought twice . Yeah I lost . You have to take some L's in life . She told Mariah and I took another L . Mariah was a strong fighting bitch and plus I didn't even want to fight her. I knew i wouldn't win that battle but I'm no punk so I fought her . It's not like I had a choice . It was hard for me and Mariah to get our friendship back at first because she was so mad that I was fucking her brother and then again because I didn't tell her . Mia and me hated each other every since . I was nervous about her being here . Not because I was afraid of her , but because I was afraid of her telling Keyon about what happened . As far as he knew , this was his and i's first baby and my first pregnancy and I was always loyal. I just never told him because I didn't want him to act a type of way towards Kennel or shit even me . I've made mistakes but I've grown from them. I was young as hell.

" Look . There's a lot of shit that needs to be said . So Niggas better start telling," Killa said .

Why is he doing this shit . He really pissing me off .

" Killa , why don't you mind your fucking business . This whole bum rush shìt is wack." I said getting annoyed .

Mariah hopped up . This bitch always hopping up in his defense .

" Watch who you talking to , Mara . Just chill and Jay relax." Mariah said .

" Can we all just chill out ?" Keyon suggested . " Jay tell us all what's going on,"

oh boy . What the hell have I gotten myself into .


" You seem to be the only person that don't know . I found out yesterday . So I'm just tryna keep you up to date my nigga ," I said .

" Wassup?" He looked at Tamara .

She just stood there looking stupid . This bitch !

" Well I'm Mia . I used to date Kennel . We go way back . I held Kennel down since forever . We would always be off and on because of Kennel and his issues . But your girlfriend went and started fucking Kennel behind my back . She got pregnant thinking he would stay with her bum ass but he wasn't and then she had a miscarriage . I whooped her ass twice and I tried to kill Kennel . Mariah found out and she beat her ass too . She still wants Kennel . Anything he tells this bitch to do , she'll come running . She was in a relationship with a guy for two years and cheated on him . Type of hoe you got" Mia told Key .

This nigga was heated .

" Why the hell didn't you tell me none of this shit ? Huh ? If anything I should of heard the shit from you . We always here with it my Nigga . We don't do shit like this . You told me everything but you ain't tell me how you was some hoe ass side chick. And you bitch. Watch ya fucking tongue." Keyon yelled .

He was in go mode. This was Silence . I just sat there watching everybody .

" Key-" Tamara tried to call him .

" Don't say shit to me right now my nigga foreal ." He said putting his hand up .

Kennel started laughing .

" What the hell is so funny ? Because ion see shit funny blood!" Key said stepping to Kennel .

Kennel laughed harder .

" Chill with the tough guy shit . I'm not the one for it . It's just funny how you having a baby by somebody and you don't even know they history . You always think you know somebody ." He said still laughing .

" You think because you did a bid in the pin , you tough ? I live this street shit . You don't phase me my nigga . I don't give a fuck what you was in for . This is now and I'm here with it so wassup ? I bet you I wipe that mother fucking smile off ya face blood !" Keyon said in Kennel face .

" Yo . Back the fuck up before you find yourself dead and ya seed won't meet his father . " Kennel said pushing Key out his face .

Mariah hopped up .

" yo just relax . It's all just misunderstanding . No need for everyone to be all hyped . " she said stepping in between .

" Bae. You're pregnant . You don't need to be in the middle of this . They grown ass men ," I said pulling her .

She pulled away .

" Don't fucking disrespect my baby father ! I was there for your punk ass when your parents got murked . I saw you and your fucking sister at your worst ! Don't fuck do it Kennel . I made a mistake . But you have no right to speak about me that way. This was kid shit that I didn't wanna speak about because I'm not proud about it. I'm a totally different person so for you and your bitch to try to come in here and blow my shit up just screams bitter and miserable!" Tamara said

" What bitch ? Don't you dare talk about my fucking parents like that . I don't give a fuck where you stand or if you pregnant . Hell if I'm pregnant . I will fuck you up Tamara. Watch how you speak on that !"

" Oh please Mariah . Ya brother bugging and you know it . When ya ain't have shit I had ya'll when ya parents was gone . Ya should be thanking me not setting me up . You supposed to be my friend first. Your Nigga and your brother WRONG! Point blank fucking period. You always wanna side with them but Bitch be REAL!" Tamara said

Before I knew it Mariah was fucking Tamara up . Keyon pulled Mariah off pushing her to the floor . I jumped up and hit Keyon . Fuck is this Nigga problem .

" Fuck is your problem ? My girl 8 months pregnant and ya girl gonn pop on her? Nah fam . Nah . That's my seed . " Keyon said wiping his bloody mouth .

" And that's my fucking girl and my fucking baby in her stomach . Tell ya bitch to stop running her fucking mouth and she won't get her ass handed to her . " I said . " Matter of fact . Get ya shit and get out NOW ! " I yelled .

Mia grabbed Gigi and everyone else left . What the hell bruh . Mariah went upstairs already . I was gonna let her ass have it , fighting while she fucking pregnant . Now it's gonna be shit between me and Keyon and maybe even me and Mariah . I ain't think this shit was gonna go down like this. We all family at the end of the day. Keyon just my brother and he love Tamara so he should know everything that come with her.

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