Back from the dead

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It's been a month since everything had happened . The hardest thing was telling Nia that her real mommy was alive . She loves Mara and Princess . Sometimes she shows Princess more attention but I told Mara its just because she's always around . Princess doesn't even acknowledge Tamara's presences anymore . They just stay out of each other's way and that's just best . Keyon's actually been nice to Tamara . I think he actually forgave her . You can see the jealousy on P's face when they're around each other . I just hope they all keep the peace .

Jay and I have been great . We've been working on us . We go out and do more things as a family . Lili loves having her mommy and daddy in the same household . I like it too . Jay left the game and he opened up his own businesses . Three in Atlanta , six in Cali , one in Washington , and two in Detroit . His sneaker business is big and along with my fashion , we're making billions .

We were going out as a family . Just me , jay , and Lili . She wanted to go out to ihop . So you know Jay said IHOP too . He spoiled her rotten . We were sitting down and lili started coloring her pictures . Our waiter came . He was a cute black boy .

" Hello . I'm Leon and I'll be your waiter today . Can I start you off with something to drink?" He smiled .

" Yeah uh . I'll take a Sprite and a apple juice for my babygirl ." He said looking down at Liyana.

" Look daddy!" She clapped looking at her picture that she scribbled all over .

He scrunched his face up at how ugly it was . I laughed at his expression .

" You like it?" She asked smiling .

She really loved her daddy .

" Yes baby girl . It's beautiful just like you ." He said kissing her forehead .

" Tanks daddy . You bweautiful too ." She said making us laugh .

I looked at the waiter who was still smiling at me .

" I'll take a strawberry lemonade please ."

" Anything for you pretty lady." He smiled .

" Yo kid . You wanna get fucked up or die? Which one you going for ?" Jay said still looking at his menu .

I sighed .

" Sorry sir." He said walking away .

I just laughed and shook my head .

We ordered our food , ate, and left .

" Keyon and Princess coming over . He said Nia wanted to see Li and some of the guys was gonna come over and just chill . That's alright with you?" Jay ask when we reached the red light .

I smiled at the thought of him asking me first . Jay has really grown up and I love the man he's becoming .

" It's your house too Jay ." I said looking at him .

He smiled .

" I was just checking with the misses first . That's all ma ." He said gripping my thigh .

I locked my hand with his . I'm glad Jayceon and I are back together . Even though he cheated . He's working so hard to gain my trust . He's a changed man . Still hood as hell . But he's changing and I'm falling in love all over again .

We pulled up to the house and we saw Keyon's car . Liyana started clapping .

" Nia Nia Nia !" She said bouncing up and down .

I just smiled . The two of them are more like sisters than cousins . I'm glad she has someone the same age as her to play with . Jay wants to have another baby . I kinda want to too. But we'll save that for another time . A few days ago I went to go visit my mom and dad and mace's grave . I miss them everyday . They will forever be in my heart . Jay got out the car and took Li out her seat . She held on to his neck so tight . She was such a daddy's girl . I took a picture of them . We walked in the house and Nia ran over to Liyana and they hugged .

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