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Me and P pulled up at the secretary house and not surprisingly I saw Jayceon's car . I found out that her bestfriend name is Tammy so that was the plan to act like I was her at the door so she would open it .

" You ready ? " Princess asked .

I took a deep breathe and nodded .

" Look . Whatever happens I'll be right there w / you . So if you wanna fuck her up . I'll be there . You wanna fuck him up ? I will be there w / you , jumping his ass . I got you Poochie ," she said .

Poochie was my nickname that my family called me . I smiled and opened the car door . I walked up the steps and knocked on the door .

" Who is it ?" The girl said .

" Tammy girl ." Princess said .

If I would speak , Jay would know it was me . I didn't know if he was right by the door so I had to just play it safe .

" Girl I didn't kn-"

I bust through the door and punched this bitch in her face .

" I got this shit ! Go handle him . " Princess said punching her in her face .

Killa hopped off the couch walking over to me .

" Bae let me explain,"

I smacked the shit out of him .

" Jayceon !! Jayceon ! I gave you everything !! All of me ! I gave you a child . That took everything in me . But I did it because I love you and you go and cheat on me ? Why?" I yelled . I was mad as hell . " I at least deserve an explanation "

" It just happened Bae . She just was there when you was busy with the baby . I don't want her . It was just a chill and fuck ! Mariah I love you , not her ." He said .

" No you don't ! You don't love me . You cheated with another bitch ! No bitch can make you feel the way I did and I doubt you'll find a bitch who will love you and put up with your insensitive ways like I did ! I held you down ! I did everything for you ! Yeah you did shit for me and I thank you for giving me another child , but I stayed by your side and you gonna go cheat with this ? And hurt me ?" I said .

" Look Mariah , I'm sorr-" the secretary tried to speak . I cut her off

" I don't need an apology and I don't want to hear anything from you . At the end of the day I'm not mad at you because you owed me no loyalty , he did ! He was supposed to protect my heart and my feelings , not you . He's the father of my 6 month old baby . Not you . He laid down with me every single night , not you . The fact that you knew what we were or how I thought we were that's why I punched yo ass and she fucked you up ," I said pointing to Princess . " It takes two and I am not mad at you boo"

" Mariah . Just wait , listen . Please " Jay said

I felt tears coming . Oh God .

" Jayceon . We are over . Other than Liyana , I want nothing to do with you . I hate you . I gave you the satisfaction and you broke me . You abused your fucking power !" I cried .

" Wipe those tears , Pooch ." Princess said wiping my face . " The nigga don't deserve your tears . Let's go !" She said grabbing my arm .

We got in the car and I broke down . I let it all out .

" What is wrong with me ?" I asked . " Why am I always being hurt .

" Listen babygirl . I felt the same way . So I know exactly how you feel . Just because he hurt you doesn't mean he doesn't love you . That shit is on him . Men are dumb . We won't ever understand why they do the shit they do . You get yourself together and there will be somebody else out there . You focus on your fashion shit and Liyana . Fuck him !"

" They'll be other people but their not gonna be Jayceon ! That's who I love , despite the fact that I feel broken , I love him P ." I cried .

" And you always will Pooch . You'll be okay . It's a process . You can get through this . I promise and you don't have to do it alone." Princess said kissing my forehead .

I got home and climbed into bed . Princess already called Kennel and told him . He was heated . He kept calling me but I didn't answer . I looked in the crib and saw Yana smiling . She looked so much like Jay it hurt so much . Tears fell from my eyes. My heart was hurt. I picked her up and put her in the bed with me and held her . I can't believe this . I feel empty. All this shit I put into him to end up with nothing from him ! I'm blessed that he gave me a beautiful babygirl though . My eyes felt heavy from all that crying . I looked down and Liyana was sound to sleep . I put my head back and drifted off . It was supposed to be like this . We were supposed to be a family .

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