Whats done in the dark comes to the light

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I remember everything that happened last night . Before I went to Jay's party yesterday , I thought my life was good , that I was happy , but I was wrong . Some girl showed up to what I called my home , Josiah's house and told me she had been fucking him and she was indeed pregnant . She looked to be 6 or 7 months . She told me to please tell Josiah's to hang up . She even asked who I was and I told her and she said she didn't even know he had a girlfriend and she apologized . I was ready to beat the fucking baby out of her but she was so sincere and nice . I sat and thought . This mean my entire relationship with Josiah , he had cheated . He swore he was a saint and I fell for that shit . I did . I called Princess over and told her everything . I cried into her chest and she just comforted me . I called Kennel and his boys over to help me move my stuff out to Princess house . When a kennel was finally about to leave , Josiah , Brandon , and his sister walked in . He saw that I had been crying and he rushed over to me . How fucking pathetic . If that girl didn't come here , I would actually think he gave a fuck .

" Don't fucking touch me Ace! You fucking got A girl name Destiny pregnant . She came here and told me everything . You threatened to kill her if she told anybody ? Why? Because you didn't want your girlfriend of a year to find out ? I've been through this shit my whole life . Getting fucking cheated on . But before I didn't know when to leave . But Killa taught me that shit ! You're a fucking dog . Fuck you ! " I said getting up .

I was about to walk out , but I stopped in my tracks and walked over to his sister . I looked her up and down .

" What bitch you wanna do something because I -"

I punched her right in her face making her hit the floor crying . I've been waiting to do that .

" Mariah . Don't fucking to please !" Josiah called back . He looked angry and hurt

" You shouldn't be hurt . I should . Matter of fact you should because I'm still in love with Killa . That's right . I tried to push those feelings away but it wouldn't go . What we had was definitely real on my part . But I'm in love with another man . A man that cheated yes? But tried everything to get me back but I declined him for you because I thought you loved me . Now wtf imma do . He probably done moved on . That ? You should be hurt by." I said smiling and closing the door .

Princess and I walked in the car and I cried .

" Wtf P, what am I to do?" I said banging the stirring wheel .

" Pooch ? You still love Jay ?" She asked .

" Yes . Am I'm a fool ," I cried .

" Look here Pooch . You're not a fool for loving a man . He's a fool for hurting you and you're so good . You're strong , beautiful , confident , and you're a fucking millionaire . Baby you have nothing to cry about . Fuck Josiah . Jay isn't perfect and I'm sure he still loves you . He just stopped trying because you pushed him and he just wants you to be happy . We're still going to his party tonight . You can talk to him then . Come on . Drive to my house or I'll dry ."

She was right .. I love Princess . I do . She's always there . I sat for a few more moments and started the car .

That night at the party . Everybody was there . Even Ace was there . He was trying to talk to me but I just wasn't having it . Liyana and the girls were at mama's house ( Jay's mom ) . Jay had girls dancing on him and I just watched . Keyon and Princess came up to me and rubbed my back . I just took it as Princess told Keyon everything .

" Go talk to him when he's alone ." Keyon said . Walking over to the V.I.P section with Jay . I was dancing with Cassie and P . We were having a good time when I fuck with you by RICH HOMIE QUAN came on . I looked over at Jay and he was singing it up while putting it on snap . That's what he always sung to me all the time after he cheated . That song described us . Tears filled my eyes . I walked off and headed to the stairs . Jay's body guard Big black was there .

" hey pretty lady ." He said hugging me .

" Can I go up to freshen up . Some of my old stuff is still up there ." I smiled weakly .

" Wipe those tears . " he said wiping them away . " I'm sure boss man won't mind ."

I walked upstairs and went into the Liyana's room . I cried in aw . It was so beautiful . Jay said he fixed her room up but he didn't say like this . She had pictures on her wall of us as a family . She had a pink and purple , princess theme . And a nice big pink and purple princess bed with Disney steps for her to walk up and down . I closed the door and headed to Jay's room . I saw that he painted the walls black now . It looked nice . Everything in the room was all black . I went into the bathroom and saw and old picture on the mirror of Jay and I . We looked so happy . I took the picture and just cried .

" What you doing ?" I jumped at Jay's voice .

" I .. I .. I .. Uh . I came-"

" What you stumbling over your words for? You nervous ? He said stepping towards me .

I looked at him and saw how fine he had looked . He had just got a fresh hair cut . I could always tell and he smelled so damn good . He smiled at me

" You like what you see ? I saw you looked at me . I saw you looking at me the whole time . Where that bitch ass boyfriend of yours? He ain't treating you right . Cheated on you ?" He laughed .

I could smell the liquor on his breathe .

His words hurt . It hurt that he laughed . I smacked the shit outta him .

" Don't play me Jay . He did cheat ." I said teary eyed .

He clenched his jaws . I don't know what pissed him off more . The fact that I was crying , that I smacked him , or that Josiah's cheated on me . He pulled out his gun .

" Let's go . We gonna kill his ass right fucking now . No more being nice . He's dead ." He said pulling my arm .

" No Jay ! Stop . "

He wouldn't stop .

" Jay . I have to tell you something . Come back in the room . "

We walked back and the room and he sat on the bed ..

" Hurry up so I can do what I have to do girl ."

I kissed him so passionately . He looked me in my eyes , like he was touching my sole . He pulled his phone out .

" Yeah ? Party over . Tell everybody to get tf out ."

I knew he was drunk but I knew he wouldn't mind and that's what happened .

I woke up the next morning and I didn't know what to do I was scared . I acted as if I didn't know what was going on . But I did . I was scared and I ran and left . What have I done? Did I make the right decision ? I drove over to Princess house

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