Why you gotta be so insecure?

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Tanya be bringing her son, Maurice over and he be playing with the kids. Even though he not mine, I still want him to have a family. He a cool lil Nigga. He call me uncle Jay and Pooch Aunty. It still be a little tension between Tanya and Pooch from a couple months ago from the park. Lately shit been a little sketchy with me and Pooch. The twins had an event at school and I invited Maurice and Tanya and Pooch was upset and going off at the mouth because I didn't tell her first. I know that's my wife and I gotta be considerate to her feelings but I just feel like I shouldnt have had to talk to her about that because it's about the kids. I just feel like she be thinking too deep into Tanya. I ain't never had feelings for the broad, she was really just a fuck. I mean she was trying to be something back then but I was stuck on Pooch ass even when I knew I fucked up. Now Tanya just worried about her job and making lil Reese happy.

We was at the house having a little BBQ and Pooch being Pooch giving me attitude and shit about something that happened weeks ago. It's whatever I'm not going to sweat it because I don't feel like I did anything wrong and every time I try to talk to her, she don't say shit to me so if she don't have shit to say I don't either. I'm tired of always have to be a sucker and bow down to her but when she actually wrong she wanna just cry and shit. She tough one minute and a big ass baby the next. Anyway Moms and Pops happier than ever. My babies happy. They getting so grown. Lili 10 and the twins 7. I still can't believe that I'm a dad and a husband sometimes. Everybody closer than ever. Tanya walked in the kitchen and sat with me , mom dukes, Key, pops, Lance, and Dallas. Shit still weird now that Dallas graduated from college. He the first in the family to take that route and I'm proud of him but Keyon is especially, that's his only blood family. Tanya looked bothered. I clearly wasn't the only one who noticed because moms spoke up.

" What's the matter withcha girly?" Moms asked.

" I just don't get why the girls dislike me so much? Because I had sex with Killa? That was so long ago and I'm not trying to get with him and even if I was, even a blind man can see he not touching nobody but Mariah. If our kids gone be around I'd at least like for them to play nice too shit. We grown man." She said fixing her plate.

" But you gotta understand her side too. I mean she ain't acting the most mature but you came in talking about Jay the father of your son when he the father to all her kids and hers only so you gotta see how that could have made her feel some type of way." Pops said.

I just sat back and listened . Pooch wrong as hell but I ain't gone sit here and side with another female against my wife.

" And when it came out that he wasn't. She should have let it go. She don't have to be Tanya best friend but be a grown ass woman who stand strong in her place. Now Jayceon you know I always liked Mariah. But her actions are making me feel some type of way now because you don't ever show another female that you mad or take stuff out on the other female . She is the mother of your kids and your wife, not Tanya. I've learned that with being with your father from back in the day you gotta always stand strong in your place as a woman In the world, with or without a man. She need to get it together because she rubbing me the wrong way and everybody else that gotta be around this shìt. I'm over this petty ass situation. I'm starting to not like her." Moms said.

That shit just pissed me off. One situation now she don't like Pooch when she was all for her? Hell nah.

" Ma. How all of a sudden you don't like Pooch. And how tf you gonna be saying this in front of Tanya? Come on ma this is bogus as hell. She not acting right but with all due respect nobody asked ya'll to put ya'll input. I don't need no issue coming from my momma too about my woman. Let me check her, nobody else need to be trying to dictate and handle her because I got it. Momma that's cold for you to be coming like that." I spoke up

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