||Author note||

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hello my friends!

so, many of you were probably thinking. . . "hey isn't that supposed to be 'cause and EFFECT' and not 'cause and AFFECT'?"

well yes, you think correctly. Well I'm here to tell you that it is spelled correctly.

If you read the description, it's not very long, but the quote is:

"Because we pray, he affects our life."

just remember that throughout this story.

Also, if you did not already know, Kaila, is pronounced "Ky-lah"

Oh yes! Now to describe the story more(:

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this story is a sequel to Camp. But not only will it just be a sequel, I  am also making a third book that isn't coming out until 2017.

In 2015, the 1st book, Camp, takes place in Wisconsin, at Fusion Bible Camp. A summer church camp that Kaila's older brother Kallen, made Kaila go to and she considered it, and made 3 best friends.

In 2016, the 2nd book, Cause and Affect, will take place after Fusion but also before Fusion. It takes place the year in between her 1st & 2nd years at Camp.

In 2017, the 3rd book of the trilogy, Soul On Fire, will take place at Kaila's third year of camp, where there are new friends in the group, she has to deal with more things from her past, and she realizes that God is the most important thing in her life.

ps this story will ONLY be in Kaila's POV (:

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Thanks for reading all the way through my intro if you did.


I'm really looking forward to writing these three stories. I hope you will be excited as I am, to read them.

God bless!

happy camping!!

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