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The day it started was about a week after I started dating Hunter, two weeks after camp, and all it took was two days go figure out what I had.

I had Leukemia. The doctors say that Leukemia only comes to people 55 and older or 15 and younger, I'm now 16. So, did that mean it was rare?

My birthday was a few days after Camp, so I've been 16 for two weeks already.

Right as I found out I needed comfort that my mom couldn't do, nor Kallen. I needed Hunter.

I instantly called Hunter and he picked up.

"Hey Lah. What's up?" His sweet voice, coming through the phone.

"I need you. Now. I. . . I. . ."

"Be there in two." He hung up and I curled up in my bed. A few minutes passed, the door flung open and he came right towards me; scooping me up to hug him.

I was a mess. My hair was frizzy, I had my glasses on, and all I was wearing were running shorts and the "Spencer Lake Christian Center" sweatshirt I bought at camp.

He said nothing when he saw me. All he did was pick me up and cuddled me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and cried.

After a few minutes of that, I slowly began to stop crying. He lifted my face so he could see into my eyes and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. He kissed the tip of my nose.

"What's wrong, love?"

"I don't know how to tell you." I said, wiping the leftover tears left on my cheeks.

"Tell me what?"

"I. . .I. . . I have. . ." How could I tell him? He's going to cry too if I told him. But he's my boyfriend, he needs to know everything. "Leukemia."

His face went pale. I knew what he was thinking. He was afraid he was going to lose me. He held me a little tighter, and I laid my head on his chest.

"Hunter, don't think that. You aren't going to lose me. Remember that we have God on our side. He can do anything. Remember at camp, when Pastor Avery preached on Healing? It was almost as if he could hear us calling out to him. And look at us now." I reminded him, looking at my ankle and his leg.

He looked down as well, a few tears running down his cheeks. I lifted my head, grabbed both sides of his face, and brought his face up so I was looking into those dazzling blue eyes. I continued. "If He is for us, then who can be against us?"

His eyes closed. I wrapped my arms around him and now it was his turn to cry. I loved Hunter. I didn't want to see him cry, but I knew that if this was going to be a healthy relationship, then we had to see each other cry once and a while.

Once Hunter stopped crying, I wiped the leftover tears from his cheeks. He spoke very softly, saying, "I love you, Kaila. I don't want this to be the cause of us not spending time together. I want to do as much as we can together."

"I love you too, Hunter; that's what I want too. But, with Kallen off to college and mom alone now, who's going to keep her company? Plus, now she has me, and I need attention with all this treatment I'm going to get."

"I understand that, but she can be left alone for a while. After all, she does have her cat now."

A while back, Ellen had a friend who's cat had kittens, so Ellen brought one for mom. It was a sweet idea. Mom loves cats.

I smiled. "That's true. So, what did you have planned then?"

He smirked. "Just one second." He dashed out of the room.

I loved it when he got crazy ideas. I could always tell they were crazy by the way he smiled and his eyebrows.

That's how I know. He's the craziest thing that's ever happened to me.

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