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I walked in the doors to see mom watching the TV.

"Hi sweetie." she greeted, not looking at me. "How was it?"

I sighed happily. "It was good." I replied simply. She looked over at me and gave me a grin.

"Uh huh," she remarked sarcastically. "So nothing happened?"

"Hm, not really." I said, smiling.

"Riiight." She paused. "He kissed you didn't he?"

"Actually, I kissed him."

"Ooo! Girl! Tell me the deets!"

"Mom. . . no one says that any more."

She laughed at herself. "Fine, but seriously! What happened!"

I told her the run down of the night. She smiled through the whole thing. I then remembered I had left my mask in the park. I gasped.

"What?" Mom asked curiously.

"I, uh, left my mask in the park."

"You took off your mask?"

"I mean, it was necessary!"

"Kaila, kissing Hunter is not more important than your health. You could get really sick!"

"I'm fine, mom. Really."

"You need to be more careful young lady, especially with you going back to school. You need to keep it on, all the time, when you aren't at home. No exceptions."

"What about if people come here?"

"They need to be super careful, and make sure they are clean. Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am." I said with my head down.

There was an awkward silence, and mom's show was blaring. She was watching Call The Midwife, her favorite.

"I'm, uh, gonna go to bed. Goodnight Mama."

"Goodnight sweetie. Sleep good."

"You too."

I stood and walked up stairs slowly, and continued to think about Hunter.

I changed into my usual pajamas, and climbed into my bed. I decided to check my social media before falling asleep for the night.

I went on Instagram first. The first thing on my feed was a photo of us posted by Hunter. It was his homecoming proposal. I scrolled down and read his caption:

lucky to be taking this one to homecoming😉😘👑

I instantly smiled and commented with: I think I was the lucky one😍

Sure it was cheesy, but hey, at least I was telling the truth! I scrolled through my feed a bit more until I got a text from Hunter.

(A/N: capital letters at the beginning is Hunter and lowercase is Kaila)

Had fun tonight, can't stop thinking about it😊

I smiled and typed back. me too, thanks for doing that.

Absolutely, no problem. Wishing I was still with you rn😩

wah wah wah, you'll see me tomorrow.

Thats so long tho!

oh shush you, you'll see me everyday after that because I'm starting Monday.

I know, I'm really excited😄

me too😊

Oh! btw, I'm downloading the pictures on my computer as we speak so they will be on Facebook tomorrow.

sweet! I'm really excited to see them.

They, and you, are gorgeous😉😍

oh stop it cutie🙈 anyways, what's with emojis? you barely use emojis.

Idk, I just like them. Does it bother you? 😏

a little, just a little


I scoffed. sheesh, can you get any more cliché?

Oh definitely, just you wait😉

ugh, you're so flirtatious with that emoji

That conversation went on for quite a while until I finally said goodnight looking at the clock saying 1 AM.

I plugged in my phone and put it on the nightstand. Smiling, I fell asleep.

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