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In spite of being over a week that I was in the hospital, I was finally able to walk on my own. With the help every so often from my mom.

I stepped outside with my own two feet for the first time in a while. I was grateful for all the doctors and nurses that helped me.

Now, my new battle was Leukemia. For now, I needed to soak up life as much as I could. felt the warmth of the sun on my bald head, and brisk freshness of the late September air.

"Oh honey, the doctor gave this to me." She handed me a mouth mask.

"What is it?"

"It's a mask so you don't catch other people's germs and get sick. I'm thinking that's the reason why you've been getting sick so much." I put the bands around my ears and the mask part covered my mouth. "And now that you'll be starting school soon, it's necessary for you to wear it constantly.

"What about when I eat?"

"You'll have to eat alone, or with people who aren't sick whatsoever, and are completely clean. I will have to notify the nurses."

I sighed, realizing my world was much for different now.

We were in the middle of our car ride when I got a text from Amber. You're out of the hospital! It read. I smiled.

Yes, I have been for a couple hours now.

Amazing. We miss you so much. Hey, can you stop by my house on your way home?

"Hey, uh, mom, can we stop by Amber's house on our way home?" I asked.

"Sure honey. What for?"

"I'm not sure." I looked back at my phone and typed. Sure, what for?

It's a surprise ;)

Okay, miss secretive...

See you soon😉 she texted back and ended our conversation.

No sooner than later we were finally back home; Waupaca. I smiled weakly at the sight of being back home and not in a hospital. Mom pulled up to Amber's driveway.

"Okay, you go in, I'll be right there."

"Okay, thanks mom." I smiled. I grabbed my phone and got out of the car. I rung the doorbell.

"Hi Kaila, sweetie. Come on in." Mrs Gale greeted. "Amber is in the living room downstairs."

"Okay, thank you Mrs Gale."

I took off my shoes and opened the door to the downstairs. I walked down the stairs. "Amber? Are you here?" I hit the floor and the lights went on and all my youth group was there with orange roses, and white shirts with an orange ribbon.

"Surprise!" They screamed.

"What?! But it's not my birthday!" I said, smiling underneath my mask.

"We know, but this is your 'Kick Cancer's Butt' party! The orange ribbon and flowers are symbolized for Leukemia Awareness. So we made these shirts." Claire explained.

Everyone turned around and on the back it read:

Exodus 14:14
We FIGHT as a team, we WIN as a team. Let's kick cancer's butt!
Kaila Mae Jorden's Team Member

My eyes welled up with tears as I fell to my knees. Some of them even shaved their heads. I couldn't believe, this was all for me.

I stood and they all surrounded me in a group hug. "I love you guys so much."

They let go to give me space. "Oh! I forgot, we made one for you too." Amber smiled. She handed me an orange shirt. It was blank on the front but on the back it read:

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