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Once we got ready, it was time to go to Cinderella's castle for a dinner with the princess's.

Hunter pushed me along in Magic Kingdom until we reached the entrance of the castle.

"Wow," I said sighing. "This looks amazing up close."

"It really does." Hunter agreed. Jordan and Amber nodded.

We went inside and saw someone holding my name on it. We walked over to him.

"Are you, Princess Kayla?"

"It's pronounced Kyla, actually, but yes I am."

"Are these your guests?"

I nodded. He smiled, right this way. He lead us to an elevator.

"Go to the fourth floor. You should find it all right."

"Thank you, sir!" I smiled.

We went up the elevator and when the doors opened to level four, the dining room was, incredible. I couldn't help but smile like a little girl.

"Hello, Princess' and Prince." A lady greeted us. "You must be Princess Kaila. We have your table set already for you." She turned around and lead us to a table with three chairs and an empty space for me.

"Here you are. Now is there anything I can start you off with tonight?"

"I'll have a water." I commented.

"Same here." Hunter seconded.

"I'll have a root beer." Jordan said.

"Do you serve lemonade?" Amber asked. The waitress nodded. "Okay, I'll have that then."

"Alright! I will be out in a bit with your drinks."

A few minutes passed and soon the Princess's came out. Everyone cheered.

We got our drinks and ordered our food by the time Merida came to our table. Soon, they all passed us by, I gave them each a hug. We had gotten our food and basically inhaled it.

I ate, even though I wasn't all that hungry.

We left after that, and walked around Magic Kingdom a little bit more.

"Tomorrow's our last day." Amber said.

"That it is." Jordan replied.

"But we'll be spending it in Epcot, again, right?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, we'd have to talk to your mom." Amber commented.

"Well, for now, let's enjoy the park. I kinda want to get a sweatshirt or something." I said. "How about over there?" I pointed to a little shop.

We walked over there and looked around.

"Ooo," I said reaching out to a beanie. It had Minnie's bow on it. I looked at the price tag. I grimaced.

"Do you like that?" Hunter asked.

"I do, but it's a bit high in price." I shrugged.

"It can't be that bad." He picked it up and looked at the price tag. "Twenty-five dollars isn't bad, love."

"I know, but for a hat?"

"Oh well." He left me by the table and walked up to the counter.

"Hunter!" I tried calling out to him, but he ignored me. He came back with the hat in a bag, and a huge grin on his face.

"There, it's bought. No returns." He handed me the bag. I looked inside to see more than just the hat.

After everyone else was done buying and looking around we called Mom to see where they were.

They were in FantasyLand. We went over there. "Oo! Can we go to Gaston's Tavern? I really want to meet him." Jordan smiled.

"Okay, let's go." We went over to Gaston's Tavern to see that he wasn't there.

"Shoot. Must be too late." Jordan frowned.

"It's okay, if we have time, we could come back here before our flight tomorrow night."

"I guess so." She shrugged.

We finally found everyone else. Most of us wanted to stay for Celebrate The Magic and Wishes, but the rest wanted to go back.

So Kallen, Hunter, Amber, Alex, Penny and I all stayed to watch while the others went back to the hotel.

It began soon after that, and I smiled every time a movie went on screen, naming each one. I felt a warmth by my hand and soon grab my hand. I looked next to me to see Hunter sitting on a nearby bench, holding my hand.

I lifted his hand to my mouth and kissed his hand gently.

We watched the rest of the show. It was soon over. "Hey can I go next to the castle, I kinda want a picture in front of it with it lighted prettily."

We agreed and went to the front of the castle. I smiled as they took the picture. We then walked out of the park.

"This was a great way to end the night." Penny commented.

"Definitely." We agreed. I looked over to Alex and Amber who were walking next to me, chatting. They held hands as they walked, in sync with each others step patterns.

I looked up to see Kallen pushing me. Penny next to him.

"Where's Hunter?" I asked. We stopped, and looked around to find my beloved boy.

I got out my phone to text him.

Where are you? I asked.

Not two seconds later he texted in reply. I'm in a little shop. Don't worry, I'll meet you back at AOA.

"He said he's in a shop and will meet us back at Art Of Animation. Do we just leave him here?" I semi-panicked.

"I'll go find him," Kallen volunteered. "Go back to the bus. I'll text you when I find him."

Amber let go of Alex's hand and pushed me instead. We exited Magic Kingdom, and waited for the bus at the bus stop.

Buzz. I looked down at my phone to see a text from Kallen. Found him. He's fine, just go to the hotel, we'll meet you there.

A relief came over me as I texted thank you, back to him. We got on the bus and got back to the hotel.

I waited for the boys to come back. One by one the girls went to bed, but I stayed up.

Around 11PM they finally got back. I smiled with relief as I outstretched my arms to Hunter. He bent over and gave me a hug. I mouthed "thank you" to Kallen, he gave a smile and went to his room to change and go to bed.

"Please don't do that to me again. I worry about you too much."

"Don't worry." He promised. "I won't."

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