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Once we arrived to my house, Amber and I ran upstairs to my bathroom to replenished our makeup and redress in our original outfits.

"We look cute." Amber said finish touching up her hair.

"Of course we do. Hunter and Alex didn't date us for nothing!"

She giggled. "True."

We walked downstairs with arms linked to see the boys were talking with mom at the counter and eating various chips that were sitting on the table.

"Well, don't you girls look lovely!" Mom commented as we came into their sights. Alex and Hunter got out of their chairs to take a look at us.

"Wow." They said in unison.

Amber looked a lot better than I did. She had a white knee length, lacy dress on with a festive necklace and bracelet. Her hair was tucked into a braided bun on top of her head. She was also wearing high top converse that we both bought when we went to the mall one day after church.

"Thank you."

Hunter came over to me and extended his arm for me. "Thank you kind sir." I tried my best fake British accent, it failed.

He laughed. "That was. . ."

"Horrible, I know."

"No! It was pretty good actually."

I chuckled. "Whatever."

Not too long after, we left for the parade, hoping to find a good seat in the shade. It wasn't a blistering hot day out, but it was pretty hot.

We drove to the parade street and found a near parking spot. I then got a really bad back ache, and my right ankle started to hurt then I didn't feel anything below my waist.

"Hey, um, Hunter?"

"Yes, love?"

"Do you um mind carrying me? I can't seem to move my legs." it was true. They were numb. I didn't know how, or why, or even when it started but all I knew is I could no longer move my legs.

"Of course!"

He came over to my seat and picked me up with ease, bridal style.

"So your legs just went, numb?"

"Yeah. I don't know why. They just all of a sudden lost connection with my brain or something."

"Try lifting your leg," He instructed. I used all my muscles and told my brain to move my legs. Nothing.

"I can't. It just won't."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Do you think you need to be checked out?"

"Possibly. I have a doctor appointment tomorrow for more treatment. I'll ask then."

"Okay." He smiled.

We found a nice shady spot to sit. He set me down and sad next to me.

I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Guess what?" Hunter asked

"Chicken butt." I replied simply. I smirked and he lightly shoved me.

"Not that silly!"

"Okay, then what is it?"

"Kaila's Faves are becoming more popular."


He shushed me. "Annnnnnnnd. . ." he pulled out a small piece of paper. "There having a fundraiser for your treatment."

He showed me the slip of paper. It said: Kaila Day: Leukemia Treatment Fundraiser.

I gasped and covered my mouth. I was about to cry. "Hunter did you do this for me?"

He smiled bashfully. "Yeah."

I reached out to embrace him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "This is seriously the best thing you've ever done for me! You are like, the best boyfriend ever."

"I'd do anything for you." He grinned from ear to ear. Gosh, his smile felt like it could cure me. Cure this cancer circulating through my blood stream. "I love you, Kaila."

"I love you too Hunter. I don't think that my cancer situation would have gotten any better if I didn't know you. I'm glad you ran into
me at camp. Got mad at me for something I didn't do. I'm also glad you were there to help me with Kambel. I probably would still be in the same situation that I was before camp. If you didn't come to my dad and brother's funeral, if you hadn't kissed me, I don't think I would still be alive."

A tear raced down his cheek. He dabbed it away with his hand. "I don't think I could have lived either. You're the only one who kept me on this path of righteousness. I never told you, but I had severe depression after my siblings died. I wouldn't talk, I shut people and God out, I almost committed suicide four times. I was even doubting on going to camp last year. And even without you knowing it, you saved me from myself, as much as I saved you from your thoughts."

I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled close. I wasn't cold, like at all, but this confession we just shared, I needed to hug him. I needed to tell him I'd be for him.

But from that point, and through the whole parade, I didn't let go. I sat there with Hunter.

And all I could think about was how amazing God was. He saved both our lives. I couldn't repay God, but if I could, I would in an instant.

I can't even begin to imagine what would have happened if neither of us met at camp. Would we be the same? Or would we both not be here?

Gods timing was perfect, impeccable. And I don't blame him for this cancer. Not one bit.

All I know is I have to keep moving forward, and get the most out of life.

That was my one mission, and I wasn't about to give up on it.

- - -

So now you know more about Hunter! Whatcha think?!

comments are always loved & appreciated.

Thanks loves!


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