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It was like waiting on death row. I waited five days before going to see Hunter again.

I was practically wasted away to nothing. I hadn't eaten anything, I drank only a little water because mom made me, and I could hardly sleep. I had to cry myself to sleep if I did.

His near death, made me feel like I was dead. I never imagined me losing him.

One of the only things that actually kept me from dying was the fact that someone kept him alive. And also the fact that I needed to stay alive, for the sake of Hunter.

Mom helped me get dressed that morning. I had put on a pair of leggings, my Spencer Lake sweatshirt, and my light blue beanie. It was practically my everyday appearance, but I was sick, so no one cared.

I slipped on my converse (and by I, I mean mom) and we were off to the hospital.

When we got in the car, mom looked over at me. "How are you feeling?"

I shrugged. I knew exactly how I felt though, because I didn't feel anything. Like a blank nothingness.

In about ten minutes flat we were there. I wasn't excited, but I needed to see him. He was my only chance of surviving any longer.

We arrived at the front desk. "Hello, we are here to visit Hunter Myer."

"Alright. He is on the third floor, room 287. Should be on the right side." The lady instructed.

"Thank you so much." Mom smiled and wheeled me to the elevator. The elevator door opened. "Kallen?"

Kallen smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. "Hi guys."

"What on earth are you doing here?"

"I best not explain here." He motioned for us to follow him into the elevator. He pressed the "3" button.

"I'm almost positive you're here to see Hunter, right?"

I weakly nodded, yes.

"Well, I just saw him and the good news is, is that he's recovering well. But he's still asleep."

"You went to see him?" I asked quietly, coughing afterwards.

"Yes, and that's the part I need
to explain when we get up there."

The door opened and we stepped out. Kallen lead us the way.

When we reached the room, I peeked in and saw him. Still looking the same, except his skin tone was going back to its normal tan shade.

"So," Kallen started taking a seat. "I am the one who saved him."

My eyes went wide and heart started to beat faster.

"What?" Mom asked, astonished.

"Yeah, you heard me right. . ." He continued. "So, here's how it went.

"After work on that Tuesday, I drove home. I still hadn't told anyone yet that Kaila had died, so I was preparing myself to tell Hunter. Instead of driving home, I drove to his house. I knocked on the door to see if anyone was there, and no one was.

"I assumed no one was home, so I walked down the driveway and heard a loud sound, then I heard the sink turn on. So, that's when I knew someone was home.

"Luckily the door was unlocked. I walked upstairs to where the sound came from. I tried opening the door, but it was locked. I knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"I found something sharp in one of the nearby rooms and unlocked the door to find him, and an empty bottle of ibuprofen on the floor."

My hand covered my mouth as tears streamed down my face. I was tired of crying, but it was the only emotion I felt.

Kallen, my beloved brother, had saved Hunter.

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