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One of the gifts I got was a custom made Rupunzel ears. I wore them every single day we were in Disney.

The second day we went to Epcot, which was an adventure in itself.

The third day we went to Animal Kingdom, which was kinda scary because I mean there are loose animals!

The fourth day, we went to Hollywood Studios, in which I will explain now.

"Alright, I'm debating on something." Amber pondered sitting on the queen sized bed.

"What are you debating on?" I ask, placing the Rupunzel Mickey ears on my bald head.

"Which shirt I should wear. My Captain America one, or my all superhero shirt."

"Hmm. . . I'm thinking all superhero. I mean, we are probably meeting a lot of superheroes."

"True. I'll go with it. Oh! And I'll wear my Cap ears!"

Amber had gotten a custom made Captain America ears, that she loved. I watched her as she fixed her hair and placed the ears on her head.

"You know what?" I said abruptly.


"I can see why Alex is dating you."

She laughed. "Oh?"

"Yes. You're sweet, and beyond adorable."

"Oh stop. Look at yourself. You're like goals. You're lucky to have a guy like Hunter."

"Why do you say that?"

"Hunter is like. . .perfect."

"Shhh! Don't let Alex hear you!" I giggled.

She grimaced. "Yeah, well, Alex is my favorite, and he knows it so. . . I mean it's not like he cares." She laughed.

"I suppose." There was a knock on the door. "Come in."

"Are you girls ready?" Mom peeked her head in the room.

"Yep." Amber smiled pushing me out the door. Everyone was in the small living room watching someone on the T.V.

"Whatcha guys watchin?" I asked, all of a sudden getting major pain everywhere. I grimaced squeezing my face together.

"Kaila? Are you okay?" I heard Kallen's voice behind my closed eyes.

"Yeah, I'm-I'm okay." I said opening my eyes.

"Are you sure? Because we don't have to go to—"

"I'm fine, Kal." I say a little to harshly. Quieter I say. "I'm okay."

Pain still shooting throughout everywhere, I suck it up and plaster a smile on my face.

"Well, shall we go?" Mom says, grabbing the handles.

"Yes!" Everyone cheers and gets up turning off the T.V.

We all head out the door to get on the bus, realizing there was a limo in the front of the hotel. The driver held a sign with my name.

We walked over to him. "Is this the Jorden family?"

"Yeah?" Mom said, unassured.

"It's good to meet you ma'am. I'm Erik. I will be your driver the last few days you are here in the parks. I was requested by Shawn Mendes to drive you all around."

We all mutter to ourselves. "Wait, Shawn sent you?"

Erik nodded. "Indeed. You must be Kayla?"

"It's pronounced "Kyla" actually." I smiled. "But yes, that's me."

He smiled. "Shawn told me to give this to you." He handed me a small gift.

"Thank you, Mr Erik."

"Please, call me just Erik." He smiled. "Alright, everyone can get in now." He announced to everyone.

Hunter came up to me. "What's that?"

I shrugged. "I haven't opened it."

"Let's open it inside. Otherwise, let me help you inside." He picked me up and gently carried me into the limo. Someone folded the wheelchair and brought it in.

Pain still running across me like a jet stream, I was placed down on the chair as Hunter sat next to me.

He smirked at me. "You're cute."

"When I'm in pain?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." He scooted the opposite way. He looked directly into my eyes making me blush. "You're still cute though."

"Oh stop it you big flirt." I rolled my eyes looking the other way.

He put an arm around my shoulders. "Come on. . . you love me."

"Of course I do. But not when you keep staring at me like that." I blushed more.

"Awh, but I like making you blush." He leaned over kissing my head.

"Stoooop." I giggled.

We finally arrived at Hollywood Studios. All of us cheered as we got out. Hunter once more helped me out of the car. I kept holding the gift in my hand.

I thanked Erik for the ride. We entered the park and I started feeling woozy.

Then about two hours into being at the park, I blacked out.

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