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"Hi Kaila!"

"What are you doing here Kaila?"

Voices, lights, more lights. I knew this place, I'd been here before.

"Hey you're Kaila! I'm Paris! It's nice to meet you." A light brown haired girl walked up to me, who did she remind me of?

"Um, hi Paris. How do you know me?" I scrunched up my face.

"You're Hunter's girlfriend. All of my siblings know you."

My eyes got wide as I knit my eyebrows together. "All of his siblings died."

"Yeah, we did. But we're here now." She was confident in every word she said.

"Where's here?" I looked around.

"Heaven of course. I saw you the last time you came too."

I started to breathe hard. "I died?"

"On Earth you did. But you aren't supposed to stay here fully yet."

"How many times do I come here?"

"Not sure. You'd have to ask Dad."

"Dad?" I instantly remembered my Dad. "Dad!" I ran from Paris and searched around. High and low until I saw him. "Daddy!" I screamed.

I tried with all my might to run to him and hug him, but I couldn't. "Dad!"

"Don't worry sweetheart! I'll still be here for you when you return!" He called back.

The next thing I knew was that I woke up in hospital bed.

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