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"School supplies?"




"Showered? Beanie? Deodorant?

"Check, check, check. Mom, I have everything!" I complained. I looked out the window and saw a car. They honked.

"Hunter's here! Bye mom!"

"Bye sweetie! Have fun at school."

I closed the door behind me and rushed over to Hunter's car. I got in the passenger seat.

"You ready?"

"Hm, somewhat. Nervous as I'll get out, though! I could barely sleep last night."

"It's all good." Hunter explained. "We're going a little early so we can get your schedule in the office and your classes are chosen, you have all the same classes with at least Amber, Alex or myself, except for your art and math class. We all have lunch together, which is at eleven forty-five after fourth hour."

We arrived at the school and Hunter parked. I breathed in and let it out slowly.

"Come on love. You'll do great." He extended his hand to me and I took it. We held hands on the way in and he explained how most people in this school knew each other very well. There were only about 850 students for freshman through seniors, not too big but average.

"Welcome to Waupaca High School, home of the Jets!" He introduced. We walked inside, and my heart started racing. I clung to Hunter's arm more. He chuckled, "You okay, bub?"

"Bub? That's a new one." I laughed.

"Eh, I need more cute nicknames for you anyways."

"Alright, you keep trying."

He lead me into the office and the secretary's we're there. "Good morning Ms. Bridgely."

"Mr. Myer! What a pleasant surprise. Oh, and I see you know our new student." A slim, young looking woman peeked her head up from behind her computer. She looked to be mid thirties, or late twenties. Blonde hair, glasses, I'd say around 5'7".

"Yes, ma'am. This is Kaila Jorden. She moved from Onalaska in June."

"It's so lovely to finally meet you."

Finally? What did she mean by finally?

"You as well Ms. Bridgely." I replied respectfully,

"Oh please, call me Ms. B." She smiled and did some busy work on her computer. "Okay, so some classes were suggested for you, so just take a look and see if these are good for you."

Algebra 2, English, Choir, Biology, Drawing 1, Ceramics, and Gym.

"Sounds good with me." I smiled.

"Awesome, well I'll have you to back to the printer. Hunter, can you show her where it is?"

"Yes, ma'am I can!" Hunter lead me to the printer and grabbed my schedule. He handed it to me and we walked back to Ms. B.

"Alright, that's all that was needed for you! Hope you have a great first day here, Ms. Jorden."

"Thank you, and you as well Ms. B."

We walked out into the foyer area. "Well, shall we start on your tour? School doesn't start for another half an hour."

"Yes, please."

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