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Okay, no this is not a fanfiction. But I've seen so many pictures where cancer patients get help from the Genies to make their last dying wish come true. So, I did what I would want if I had cancer. Have a celebrity come to DisneyWorld with me for a day. I have no idea if this actually happens irl, but it's a book so why not! okay, continuing the story. . .

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I covered my mouth. There was one person that I loved as much as Hunter. That was Shawn Mendes.

He kneeled down in front of me. "Are you Kaila?" I nodded. He pronounced it 'Kayla'.

"It's actually pronounced, 'Kyla'. But yes, that's me." My whole body was shaking.

"Hi Kaila," he pronounced it right. "It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard you're a pretty big fan."

"Yeah, pretty big." I looked around at my friends. Even Hunter was smiling. I knew he wouldn't get jealous, he knew how much I loved Shawn's music.

"Well, do you think it would be okay if I escorted you and your friends to your hotel?"

"That would be great!" I smiled.

"Awesome. Let's go, I have your ride awaiting outside." Shawn walked in front of us as we stopped by baggage claim, gathered our things and we headed outside.

Amber pushed me along. She leaned down to me ear. "Did you have any idea?"

I slightly shook my head. "Not a clue."

"I think there's something you should know."

"Okay, shoot."

"I knew."

I gasped in fake defense. "Amberlyn Rose!"

"Yeah, yeah. You love me."

"I do." I smiled. Once we were outside, there was a white limo, awaiting our every beck and call. "You're kidding me."

Shawn smiled. "Nope. This will be your escort for this whole week. Unfortunately, I will not be able to stay for more then just today, but all the expenses on your Magic Bands have been covered. Each of you have $500 go spend on whatever you like."

Everyone started to scream, and jump around where all I could do was cry. Shawn kneeled in front of me.

"May I?" He gestured towards helping me in the car. I couldn't do anything but nod. He wheeled me to the limo door, he opened the door for me.

"I uh, can't," I said trying to explain.

"Oh! Right, duh." He said chucking to himself. He motioned for Hunter to come over. "I'm guessing you want to do this? It'd be rude of me to break something this special up."

"It's alright, you can help her. I really don't mind. You're her dream of meeting. I'll have her the rest of her life." Hunter smiled looking down at me.

Shawn smiled. I sat forward as Shawn picked me up to help me into the limo. Ever so gently he set me down, Kallen coming in next with my wheel chair.

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