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They say that time on earth is limited. And, I believe that. With most of my family gone, it was just Mom, Kallen and I.

Nobody knows what happened to Kambel, and really, nobody cares. I forgave her at camp in June. With the help of my boyfriend, Hunter, and best friend Amber, they helped me realize that Kambel was forgiven.

God loved Kambel too, even though she hurt us, and left a scar, I think I learned a lesson.

So, I'm guessing you are wondering what happened to Kaleb and Dad, huh?

Well, while I was at camp, Dad had a major heart attack. It stopped his heart completely, and well, you know how that went.

Kaleb committed suicide. After he got his girlfriend (whom he never spoke about) pregnant, he knew he'd have to tell her one day about his past, and well, he couldn't deal with it, unlike Kallen and I did.

Kaleb didn't have a big relationship with God. He knew he was real, but he didn't really embrace him. If you know what I mean. Unlike Kallen and I did.

Sure, Kaleb couldn't have gone to camp with us, but when we returned, Kaleb was already gone so we couldn't have talked to him about anything.

I miss them like crazy, of course. I still cry often, trying to get over the grief of them not being in my life anymore. I miss Dad more though. He was always there for me, and who knew that his last goodbye was saying nothing to me before Kallen and I left for camp.

That's one thing I regret most. Is not forcing a hug out of him. When, behind that paper he was "reading" he was really hiding from the pain, so I couldn't see him hurting.

Dad always wanted the best for all four of us. I knew dad was broken, I knew he was hurt. His first child was a maniac, for crying out loud! But he loved Jesus, he loved the Bible, he loved all of us and didn't want us to refrain from going from camp.

I don't regret going to camp, oh gosh no. I just regret not touching his cheek, or giving him a hug. That's what hurt the most.

But, on a happier note, Kallen proposed to Ellen the week after we got back. She said it was the most romantic thing ever and they couldn't wait to be married!

They were both 19, so technically they could get married now, if they wanted, but they both decided that waiting a year was best.

They were an adorable couple, and they were still planning on going to college. Strangely, though, they wanted to be married in college. To me didn't make any sense, but Kallen was moving out soon, so it would be just me.

I'd miss him of course, but maybe mom wouldn't mind too much if I invited Hunter over more than often.

Oh! I haven't talked about him yet!

Well, you obviously know the story about how we moved because there were too many memories with Dad at the old house, mom found a church quite far away, and well, we moved there.

And so, when we moved, it turned out that Hunter and Amber went to that church too!

So, pretty much the first Wednesday night when we arrived at church, he asked me out.

Of course I said yes, who wouldn't! I'm grateful for him. He helped me a lot over one week. I personally never thought I'd see him again, but God brought us together again.

I love him with all my heart, and I know for a fact the feeling is mutual, because I mean he pretty much sealed the deal with our first kiss on the porch of our old house, which was oh so romantic.

But, even with what I'm dealing with now, not even seeing Hunter's angelic face will cure me.

Only a miracle can cure what I have flowing through me.

Only a miracle.

— — —

Hey friends! thanks so much for reading the prologue of C&A! I'm really excited for this story to start, aren't you?!

Thanks so much loves for reading. Hope to see you soon(:

❤️ Ari

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