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The next day, Amber, Claire, Alexandra, Penny, Jordan, Mom and I all went shopping for our trip. Hunter and Alex went with Kallen.

Amber pushed me through the racks. "So what are we looking for?" She asked.

"Shorts, and anything Disney." I replied.

We went to the Mall Of America today. We decided since our flight went out at six tomorrow morning that we'd spend the night at a hotel in Minnesota. Our shopping spree had begun!

"Where should we go first?" Claire asked.

"Um, I'm not sure. I've never been here before." Jordan confessed. We all agreed.

"I know where we are!" Mom piped up. "I used to live in Minnesota before I married your father. I spent hours and hours here with my friends." She sighed at the thought.

"Alright, so where to first then?"

"Let's try the Disney store."

"There's a Disney store?!" We all asked at the same time that ended up in a fit of laughter.

"Yeah! Here, it's this way." Mom directed us.

Once we reached it, I gasped. This was amazing! All the Disney things you could imagine! Except for the fact that most of the clothes were little kid sized.

If I was able to jump around, I would! "Ooo!" I said upon seeing a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. It's so cute! It was about three inches long and squished like a marshmallow.

"Oh I love these things! They're absolutely adorable. They're called Tsum Tsum's." Amber explained.

"Can I get a few of them?"

"Sure!" Mom smiled.

I looked around at them. I saw a Captain America one and quickly grabbed it. I grabbed Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Ariel, and Stitch.

"This many?" Mom asked, surprised.

"Yes! Look at how adorable they are!" I held them up to her.

"Alright. Whatever you want, I guess."

We looked around more and then paid.

After we walked out, I placed all my little Tsum Tsum's on my lap.

"Those are freakin adorable." Claire agreed.

"Aren't they though? I need to start a collection!"

She laughed.

After we walked around for a while, I said, "I'm hungry."

"Me too." Amber agreed. Everyone nodded.

"Alright, let's go a food court." We stopped by the closest one that looked out to a theme park.

"There's a theme park?!"

"Yeah! When Kambel and Kaleb were little it was Snoopy's Plant, but now I think it's something like Nickelodeon Universe."

"I know where we're going next." Jordan laughed.

My phone rang. I saw it was Kallen. "Hey Kal, what's up?"

"Where are you guys?"

"We're in the food court by the theme park."

"Okay. We'll be there in a sec." He hung up.

"Who was that?" Alexandra smirked.

"Kallen." I said matter-of-factly.

"Okaaaay. Whatever you saaaaay!" She wiggled her eyebrow.

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