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After our date Hunter brought me home. I had been really drowsy lately, and needed some rest.

Once we got to the front door, he grabbed both of my hands and stared me in the eyes.

"I had fun today." He smiled.

"So did I. We have to do it again sometime."

"Of course. And maybe I'll bring you to Disney World." He winked.

I giggled. "Sure. You do that, and I'll buy you Kaila's Fav every time you want one."

"Every time?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Only if I have money. No promises though."

He paused thinking about the offer. "Okay fine. Well, you get some rest love. I'll be back tomorrow." He kissed my forehead and opened the door for me.

"Bye Hunter."

"Bye Kaila."

I shut the door behind me to hear the TV blaring from the living room.

"Hey mom." I said sitting next to her.

"Hello Kaila. How was your date?"

"It was wonderful. Hunter really knows how to treat a girl."

"I'm sure he does." She looked down from the TV and grabbed my hand. "Kaila, I'm gonna get straight to the point." She sighed. "You have to go in for treatment next week."

I sighed and looked down at Mom's hand. I rubbed it with my thumb. "It's okay, Mom. I don't mind, besides. I've got you and Jesus right?"

Before I knew it, it was time for my first treatment. Well, it's more like a body scan to find out where they should treat my body. It wasn't all that bad.

I had to remain completely still as the scanner scanned my body.

Once it was over they told me to go get dressed and wait in the room.

I did so. Once the doctor returned, he held papers in his hand.

"Well, that's all for this doctors trip. Though, I'll be seeing more of you." He tried joking. I wasn't amused. "So, in about a week the x-ray's will be in for your observation. In that time, please get some rest, and try not to go outside too much."

I nodded, and Mom and I left.

A week later, we returned. And they showed us the scan. It was almost as if the cancer was devouring my blood, all over my body.

My hands shook and tears started flowing from my eyes. They wanted to do immediate treatment. Mom agreed, and we went into a special room to get me treated.

He asked if there was anyone I wanted with me, of course I wanted Hunter with me. I looked over at mom who smiled and nodded, knowing whom I was thinking of.

"Yes I do. May I call them?"

The doctor nodded and left us be for me to call.

"Are you sure you are okay with me calling Hunter to be with me, Mom? I mean it could just be you."

"I'm fine, Kaila. I'm always here for you, but I know that its your choice. You can call him. I'll be waiting for you."

I took out my phone and called him.

"Hey Lah. What's up?"

"Can you come to the hospital? Like right away, because I want you to be here with me."

"Of course! Be there in a few."

He hung up and in a few minutes there was a knock at my door.

The doctor and Hunter both came in. Hunter came straight to my side and grabbed my hand.

"Okay doc. I'm ready."

— — —

Hey friends!

Thanks so much for reading!

Just a heads up: I have no experience of how cancer treatment works. But if you have seen Gods Not Dead, Amy's treatment and stuff is what this was based off of.

And if you happen to be a cancer survivor, please don't be afraid to DM me and tell me what it's like!

I want to make this accurate as possible.

Thanks so much!


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