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Thanksgiving passed by in a flash. My Mom's side of the family came over, and then we had Hunter's family as well. I saw cousins I hadn't seen since Mother's Day of this year when we went to my grandparents house.

I introduced Hunter to my grandparents, cousins, uncles, and aunts. They all seemed to really like him, which I was grateful for.

Not long after that, Christmas vacation came. I was slightly sad, because I was planning to spend most of it with my friends, but they were all going somewhere warm. Hunter was going to Florida to visit family, Amber was going to Louisiana, and Alex was going to Hawaii for a Christmas family getaway.

Kallen and Ellen, Kambel and Kamden, and Margret and Jeremiah all came over to visit for the week, though. Our house was buzzing, and family chatter was around our house.

Christmas morning was and always has been one of my favorite mornings. Kamden was the most excited though, Jeremiah and no idea what was happening.

We had our usual presents when everyone wakes up, breakfast, and then we'd play, talk, or watch movies. Then we all had a big Christmas dinner, with yummy food.

It all went by in such a blur. Amber and Hunter came back for New Years though, which I was very happy and excited about.

On New Year's eve, I threw a little party thing at my house. It was the first time I'd seen Hunter or Amber all break, and I was stoked when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it!" I yelled to everyone in the house. I walked quickly to the door and opened it.

"Happy New Year!" Amber screamed in my face. I noticed she held something in her arms, but I disregarded it and enveloped her in a ginormous hug.

"How was your vacation?!" I said, once letting go, and shutting the door behind her.

"Dude, it was so much fun. We went to the ocean, and New Orleans, and," She looked down at the box. "That reminds me! I got this for you."

I gasped. "For me?! Amber you didn't have to."

"Of course I did!" She shoved it in my arms. We went to the living room, and sat on the floor. "Go on, open it!"

I did just that. I ripped it open, and when I opened it, it revealed a small, blue glass dolphin. I gasped. I dug in the box a little more to find a glass jar full of sand. I smiled. There was also a note that read:

I missed you so much during the vacation, that I brought a little back for you. I love you so much best friend, Merry Christmas! -Amber

I smiled so big and hugged her once more.

Mom came in the living room and saw the gifts Amber got me. "Those are so cute, Amber!"

"Aren't they though?" She replied.

A few seconds later, the doorbell rang again. Amber and I squealed, and went to the door. I quickly adjusted my beanie, exhaled, and opened the door with a very large smile on my face.

"Hello!" I greeted. Hunter's face lit up, once seeing me open the door. He set down the package he was holding, and opened his arms. I instantly fell into them. Holding him in a tight embrace.

"I missed you." Hunter said into my ear.

"That seems to be the theme." A cold gust of Wisconsin winter air swept by. "Here, lets go inside, its a little chilly."

I let go of him. He picked up the package off the porch, and walked in.

"Hi Hunter!" Amber exclaimed. She hugged him as well.

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