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The next thing I knew I was in a hospital bed, I had opened my eyes to Kallen, Amber, Mom, Alex, and Hunter in the room.

Hunter was on a chair with his arms on his thighs and fingers intertwined, as though he could be praying.

Alex was staring at his phone while Amber sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder looking at what he was doing. Kallen had his eyes closed on a chair with his head back, and mom was pacing the room. Looking at varies posters.

I looked at myself, there were tubes going from my arms into machines, and I had a breathing tube in my nose. I looked at my skin and I seemed to be very pale. I had bruises and red bumps all over my skin, that had appeared out of nowhere.

"Mom," my voice croaked. Everyone's head shot up to look at me. Mom was all eyes on me.

"Kaila." She rushed to my side.

"Mom, why am I—" I realized it was hard to breathe, I coughed. "Why am I here?"

She took my hand in hers. Everyone else was by the bedside.

Mom went on to explain things that now made sense.

First of all, the reason why I lost my legs was because of fatigue. I could no longer walk because I was too weak. Second, I had been bleeding out of nowhere and I had no idea which is the main cause of my blacking out.

I took a deep breath. "Oh." I didn't really know how to respond. I felt my hand being picked up. I looked to see who it was. It was Hunter. I looked into his eyes and for some reason, he made this situation seem inexistent.

He rubbed my hand and smiled brightly. Showing that I was okay, and he was glad I was.

After a moment of silence, Alex spoke up. "So are we going back to Disney? I mean we still have three days left here."

"It all depends on what the doctor says." Mom said.

There was a knock on the door and everyone stood from their sitting position. The doctor stood in the doorway. "Can I see Mrs. Jorden for a moment?"

Mom nodded and walked out the door.
Amber and Alex went to go sit down again on the chair, as did Kallen, while Hunter stayed by my side.

"I'm glad you're okay." He smiled.

"Thanks. I'm glad you didn't over react again."

He laughed. "I promised I won't do that again."

"Good." I smiled.

Mom reappeared. "The doctor said that we can go back, but we can't stay out as long as we have been. You can't ride any rides, and it's preferred that you don't get out of your wheelchair when meeting characters."

I smiled. "I can do that."

Within a few short hours we were out of there. Everyone was in the hotel room, waiting, and playing with Kamden.

"Hey everybody." We said, entering the room. I noticed something on the table.

"What's this?" I asked. Mom wheeled me over to the table. I picked it up and saw that it was an invitation. "Can I open it?" I asked mom.

"Of course!"

In fancy writing, was my name written on the front. I slowly opened it. I pulled the card out, it read:

Dear Princess Kaila,
It is with great honor that we invite you to a dinner. You and a friend may bring one guest to join you to dine with the princesses in Cinderella's castle. Please arrive this evening at 6:30 at the entrance of the castle. We hope to see you there!
Sincerely, the Princesses

I read it out loud again, over and over. I was in shock! But who would my friend be? Amber? Claire? Penny? Jordan? Alexandra? Alex? Kambel? Kallen? Mom? Who?!

"You can bring a friend and a guest, so that's four people that are going. What about the rest of us?" Penny asked.

Mom piped up, "I actually reserved spots for us at Be Our Guest, again. So the rest of you will come with me when Kaila goes with whom she chooses."

Well now mom was out of the question. Kallen, probably should stay with mom. He'd be more comfortable at Be Our Guest then with me.

So now, I had to choose between: Amber, Alex, Claire, Jordan, Alexandra, and Penny.

"Well, I think it's best that I just choose a number, and then whoever is the closest gets to be my friend and then they can choose their guest."

"Wait, then who is your guest then?" Claire said being completely oblivious.

"It's Hunter! Duh." Jordan stated.

"Oh, right." Claire said, mentally smacking herself.

"Alright so, number 1 - 20." Amber said regaining control of the group.

I thought of a number. "Okay, go!" I pointed to them.

"Eighteen." Said Amber.

"Five." Penny smiled.

"Ten." Jordan said.

Alex thought for a second. "Uh, three?"

"Um. . . seven." Claire shrugged.

"Nine." Alexandra finished.

I smiled, happy with the answers. "It was eleven." Everyone murmured. "So, Jordan wins. Time for you to choose your guest."

"I'm out!" Alex put his hands up in surrender. We laughed.

After another number game, Amber won. By that time it was five thirty. It was time to go to Magic Kingdom for our Royal dinner.

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