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I could see in her dark eyes that she wasn't here to hurt me.

"Can you guys leave us for a minute?" I asked. Mom, who was currently holding my hand, squeezed it and let go.

Hunter gazed in my eyes. There was concern. I smiled and nodding, telling him that I was going to be okay.

He nodded and walked out the door glancing at Kambel on his way out.

Once he was out of ear shot, Kambel walked to my bed side.

"What are you doing here, Kambel?" I asked coldly.

"Look, Kaila, I don't want to hurt you. I just want to say I'm sorry."

"Well look I'm not—wait. You what?"

"I'm sorry, Kaila." Was this real? The sincere look on her face, made it certain, she was sorry. She began crying. "I'm truly, truly sorry. Being the oldest, mom and dad were always so pushy on me to be the leader, role model. I wasn't ready for that. And then, after Kaleb, came Kallen, and you, and all the attention was on you two. I couldn't handle that anymore. I made the worst decision I have ever made in my entire life. I regret my whole entire teenage years."

At that point it was really hard for me not to cry. It all made sense now.

"So if there's anyway for you to forgive me, can you?"

Now that question really struck me. But I knew what I had to say. "Oh Kambel. I already have."

Her face brightened, and she gently hugged me. I heard a small voice.

"Mommy?" A little girl with big brown eyes and blonde hair peeped through the doorway.

Kambel looked her way and opened her arms. The girl ran into them. Kambel picked her up. "Kaila, this is Kamden. Kamden, this is auntie Kaila."

"Hi." I whispered and waved. She waved shyly.

I laughed a little. "So I see you kept the 'Ka' thing going huh?"

"Yup." She smiled. Then Hunter appeared in the doorway. I smiled and motioned for him to come in.

"Kambel, this is my boyfriend Hunter. Hunter this is my sister, Kambel."

He waved. A cautious smile spread across his face. I smiled comforting his worries. His smile relaxed.

"So, how long have you been dating?"

"A few weeks. The week we moved actually." I gushed.

"Ah well, I should leave you two love birds. I got to go. Bye." Kambel said standing up.

"Bye, Kambel."

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