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"Hey Kaila!"

"Hi, Kaila!"

"I know her, that's that Kaila girl."

I walked around, not recognizing where I was. I looked around a bit more, until someone tapped on my shoulder.

I turned around, not startled at all, to see dad.

"Daddy?" I said, with excitement.

"Hi baby girl." His eyes were joyful, he was younger, though. He opened up his arms and I ran into them. I squeezed him.

"Daddy, I really miss you." I said.

"It's okay sweetheart, I know."

I felt another tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see none other than Jesus himself.

"Hi Kaila." He said with a sparkle in his eye. "I get one too, don't I?"

I laughed a little and ran into his arms. It wasn't like anything I've felt before, it wasn't like a human hug it was. . . oh so much more.


"Yes my dear?"

"Why do I keep coming here?"

"Well, my sweet Kaila, I bring you here so when you return to earth, you can tell the people of the world about me. And right now, you're getting healed physically, but I'm here to heal you emotionally. Hunter, has also been here."

"He has?"

He nodded. "You will find out in time, but for now, you seeing your earthly father is helping your human self and as well, your earthly mom."

"I have a question," I said suddenly.

"What might be your question be?" Even though, he already knew.

"What happened to Kaleb?"

He laughed good heartedly. "Kaleb, my boy! Come over here."

Then he appeared. Kaleb, he was here. Had I missed him the last times I came.

He stood in front of me. "Hi Kaila."

I instantly embraced him in my arms. I now didn't have the burden to carry in my heart, unknowing, of where he was.

"Please tell mom, and Kallen, that I'm sorry."

"I will." I smiled and hugged him once more.

"Alright, my princess. Time to go back. We'll be waiting for your return." Jesus said, extending his hand to me.

"Okay. Bye dad and Kaleb. I'll see you soon." I smiled and took Jesus's hand. In one blink of an eye, I was awake in my hospital room.


yikes, sorry short chapter😁 don't worry, next chapter will be longer.

so whatcha think about this chapter? 

thanks for reading! see you next chapter (:


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