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The next week, my regular chemo appointments went back to normal, I felt sick all the time again. Rashes were everywhere, bruises appeared out of no where. I wasn't hungry, and I got skinnier.

Kallen left for his first semester of college in Minnesota, and school started again so my friends were rarely over anymore.

One afternoon, I got FaceTime call from Hunter during school. I answered.

Once it connected my friends faces appeared. "Hi guys." I said softly.

"There's our girl. What's going on?" Hunter smiled.

"Oh you know, shenanigans and whatnot. How about you?"

"We have a study hall."

"All of you?"

"Yeah, that's possible." Amber said. Alex and Hunter nodded.

"But Hunter is a grade above." I stated.

"Kaila, we've been going to this school for a long time, just trust us okay?" Alex reassured me.

"Okay, well why did you want to FaceTime me?"

"Why not?"

I shrugged in return. After we talked for a while, I hung up to take a nap.

"Kaila, sweetie?" Mom said coming into the living room.


"I have some good news." She sat in the recliner setting her coffee on the table. "The doctor said that by next week you should be ready to go to school!"

"Really?" I smiled, coughing in the process.


"Yay." I tried clearing my throat, and my head started pounding. "If you don't mind Mom, I'm going to take a nap."

"Of course sweetie. Do you mind if I put something on?"

"No." I smiled. I got comfy on my pillow and pulled the blanket up to my neck. I closed my eyes and listened to the movie mom was playing before I drifted off.

When I woke up, Amber and Alex were sitting on the floor in front of the couch.

"He—" I cleared my throat. "Hey guys. What are you doing here?"

"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" Amber said. They both turned to me. "We just thought we'd drop in. You didn't seem so good when we talked earlier."

"I'm doing better I guess. Disney kinda took a lot out of me." I chuckled softly. "Where's Hunter?"

"He had to get something before coming over. We don't know what, but he said it was important."

"Okay." Thinking of Hunter, I remembered the hat he gave me, and the mystery item inside. "Hey Amber, would you mind grabbing the Disney bag from my room? Just rummage around until you find it."

"Of course!" Amber got to her feet and rushed up the stairs.

We sat in silence until I spoke up, getting Alex out of his thoughts. "Hi Alex."

"Oh, hi Kaila."

"It's been a long time since we talked one on one."

"Yeah it has. Camp I think was the last time."

"That was like, three months ago."

"Wow." was all he replied with. Amber soon returned with the bag. She gently handed it to me.

"Thanks Am." I opened the bag and saw the hat. I pulled it out and saw a small box. I wondered if I should wait to open it.

The door then swung open, and Hunter stood not moving in the doorway.

"Hunter? What's wrong?" Amber asked. Not a moment later he collapsed and dropped to the floor.

— — —
Sorry for such the short chapter guys. Just, the timing was right!

So, what do you think happened to Hunter? What was inside the small box Kaila has?

Questions, questions, questions! Oh well... until next chapter!


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