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Another day, more treatment. Life of a cancer patient is well. . . let me put it this way.

Imagine always being in pain. Even if you're just sitting there, doing absolutely nothing, there's still constant pain.

It was the middle of August already. Amber, Alexandra, Claire, Chloe, Penny, Alex, and Hunter, we're all talking about school coming up in a couple weeks.

All of them knew, that I wouldn't be attending school. Not anytime soon at least.

One afternoon, I laid in the hospital room, connected to a bunch of pain killers that weren't helping much.

I watched the nearby TV screen that was playing a random episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. They tried to get me to take my mind off of the pain, but obviously, nothing was helping.

Mom was in the food court, getting some sort of food for herself, so I couldn't talk to anyone.

I turned my head towards the door to realize someone was standing there. My brunette best friend, Amber.

"Hey loser." I smirked at her. She smiled back.

"Hey. Whatcha watchin?"

"SpongeBob. But honestly I'm not even paying attention."

She chuckled. "So I see. Well, I brought you something."

"You shouldn't have." I replied softly.

"Yes I should. I'm your best friend, and I being in that position need to bring you unwanted gifts no matter what."

I laughed softly. I noticed her staring at my bare skin. The cancer had defiantly done its job. Random bruises, a rash I didn't know what was called. Not to mention I was a lot skinnier.

Mom thinks that it's because I'm not eating, but I try to eat and it doesn't stay put for very long. Plus that, I'm not even hungry.

Anyways, Amber retreated her eyes from my arm to my face. She smiled and brought the object from her back.

She held a light blue Polaroid camera. I gasped. "Amber!" She smiled. "You didn't!"

"Oh yes I did!"

She hands it over to me. Then she also hands me a small picture book.
I grabbed it and looked through it, noticing that these were the pictures that she gave me from camp this year.

"How did you find these! I hid them away."

"I know. But I found them under your pillow. Then I thought to this for you. It has the picture of us four, you and me, you and Hunter. All the ones I forgot to give you."

I paged through it and smiled at the camp memories. I missed camp, a lot.

"This is beyond amazing, Amber. I'd give you a hug, but I'm kinda frail."

"It's okay. You don't need to. I love you Kai."

"Love you too Am. I can never say thank you enough."

She smiled. "So, I think I'll stay here for awhile, I don't have to be home until eight."

I smiled too. "Okay. I'd like that."

For the rest of the time, we watched movies, laughed and goofed off. Then at the end of it all, we took a Polaroid selfie to add to my collection already.

I could never repay her. I didn't deserve her as my best friend. But I loved her with all my heart.

I would never replace her for anyone else in the world.

And that's the truth.

— — —

So, honestly, I have no experience with cancer. Like at all. Which I'm grateful for. My cousin had cancer, and she survived. My grandpa has skin cancer, or he did. But other than that, I have no clue.

So I'm sorry if it's like not accurate at all. But just bare with me. And remember, it's fiction. Alright?

Okay, love you guys. Thanks for waiting patiently with me for an update.

xx, Ari

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