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After we got done with dinner in Magic Kingdom, we decided to go back to the hotel and cool off before heading back to see fireworks show.

"So, do we still have the limo?" Jordan asked, as we looked around for a sign of some sort.

"If we don't, there's always the bus that takes us directly back to the hotel." We looked around more until we finally decided to take the bus.

After getting on the bus and then returning to Art Of Animation, we opened our room door to see Kambel and Kamden!

Mom seemed most pleased to see her granddaughter. Kamden looked a little scared but once setting eyes on Kallen, she raced over to him.

"Hi Kamden!" He said scooping her up. "How's my favorite niece?"

"Uncle Kallen?" Kamden said in a sweet voice.


"Why does Auntie Kaila have no hair?"

There was a silence. Had no one told her? Kambel should have told her. . .

"Well sweetie. . . sometimes people get sick. And sometimes when people get sick they have to loose their hair to get better. So right now, Auntie Kaila is getting better, because she has no hair. See?"

Kamden smiled. "Okay." She walked over to my wheel chair. Everyone continued talking. I leaned down to her, she whispered the faintest words next to my ear. "Don't worry, you're gonna get better. I promise."

And with those tiny words coming from an innocent six year old, they meant the world. I sat up a little kissing her head.

She ran off to Kambel, hugging her leg. Everyone continued talking. Hunter walked up to my and sat right in front.

"Hello love." He greeted, smiling.

"Hi Hunter." I smiled back, ruffling his hair.

"How's my favorite girl in the world?"

"I'm doing good. Today has been great."

"It really has. I haven't talked to you much."

"Yeah, I missed seeing your face. After all I do need a bit of a comic relief after being with them. They're too serious."

"Oh really?" Hunter questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes really. You're my little monkey." I smiled pinching his cheeks, knowing he hates it.

He shoved my hands down from his face. I winced. "Oh sorry. . . I didn't mean to hur—"

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine." I interrupted, assuring him I was a strong human being.

"Alright, but please tell me if there's anything wrong. Okay?"

I fake smiled, nodding. "Of course." I lied. I couldn't possibly break his smile. His depression had gotten the best of him more then once and making him feel bad, wasn't going to make it better.

He smiled while standing up, and leaning just enough over me to kiss my head. "Okay."



Then in the girliest voice I could muster. "OMG stop flirting with me!"

He laughed, making me laugh. He stopped laughing to just look at me. "You're cute." He said.


"Yes. You're adorable, you're my shining light. You're the missing piece that goes to my puzzle of life. You're mine, after Jesus of course. Must I go on?"

"Hmm. . maybe. But not now in front of people." I giggled as he kissed my forehead again.

"Until later, my love." He kissed my hand and ran off to a different room.

I smiled and scoffed. "Such a drama king."

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